The craziest lie about women: Loh #133

Hello #ladiesofhive community,


As a woman, I have had my own fair share of some very annoying things said to me. While some were said directly to me, the rest were said in generalization of women. Like how the heck do some men think that all women are the same?.

I wouldn't blame some of these men mainly because a good number of them may have encountered some terrible situations with the women they have brought into their lives. But generalizing it is a big No for me.

One of the biggest lie I have heard in this my life is saying that independent successful women cannot be submissive to their husbands.

Just because these women make their own money, some men believe that they will rub shoulders with men. Reason being that after all, they are making the same money and providing just the same way men do.

I had an argument with a man some time ago about this and i have concluded that some men think that this submission thing is Weakness.

To be submissive doesn't mean you are weak as a woman.

Some women do not even understand what submission is in the first place. To be submissive for me isn't lowering your standards as a women. It is not bringing down your value just to be with a man.

I once listened to a preacher years ago when she explained what submission really is. She told a story of a woman who was very influential and had her own money but respects her husband to the core.

I remember one time I wanted to travel for vacation. I had the money to fund myself that period but my husband didn't let me go because according to him, we just found out I was pregnant and it was in the early stage. He was scared to his teeth.

Did I stay back? Yes I did.

Now that is submissiveness because I chose to obey my husband even when I knew I could afford my vacation then. If I was rebellious, I would have stood my ground. After all I was going to rest right? Staying back, does that make me weak? No it doesn't.

Submission is knowing that you can do a particular thing, but choose not to do it.

I think these men should learn to clearly differentiate between being weak and submissive. Sometimes I just wonder if some men feel threatened by a woman's success. I mean that is what it looks like to me.

If you say that an influential women is barely submissive to a man then I would say to you that you are not man enough to handle competition which for me is a very healthy one.

My problem is majorly how they generalize these things they say. Any women who is not submissive is like that because she chooses to do so. Maybe because of her past experiences with the men she has had something to do with and thus doesn't see any need to be with a man. That kind of woman will never be submissive to any man she meets.

I just wish this mindset that men have about women will change.


Thank you for reading. This is my reaction to #ladiesofhive prompt of the week.



You have discussed a very important point. Being submissive is not being weak. In a marriage I feel there are times when one has to go soft and it's ok if the female takes a lead on that, but, not all the time.


In a marriage I feel there are times when one has to go soft and it's ok if the female takes a lead on that, but, not all the time.

I think whatever works for you in your marriage is okay. The most important thing is that couple understand each other and flow with it.

Thank you so much for reading.


Hi @joydukeson , it seems to me that the relationship lies in communication and the mutual respect you have for each other.
