Thursday Night Live - Don't Get Blockbustered!


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We started the show off with some BIG announcements for HivePay!

WooCommerce plug in is LIVE!

We submitted it to WordPress tonight and should be live on their plug in site soon :)

But then we spoke about....Blockbuster Video!


You have to watch to understand why ;)

▶️ 3Speak


Great to see the woo plug in ready, Blain has been rocking it out. Nice to see you two getting noticed more and it should continue. Great show tonight with lots of great info, well worth watching the video. Have a great week !


Thanks man, 3 years of showing up everyday is finally paying off LOL


WordPress is still the most popular blogging script, and it's nice to have HivePay integrated in WooCommerce!

Thanks for the recording!

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Yessir, should open us up to some awesome new communities and businesses.


Did I hear between the lines that you are working on a membership script ??? ;-)


Shhhhhh lol I dunno what you are talking about lol



The episode of Thursday Night Live on the blockchain delves into the recent developments of HivePay, focusing on the updates related to the WooCommerce plugin. Blaine provides insights into the progress made, highlighting enhancements such as checkout cart improvements and fixed email notifications. The highlight of the episode is the announcement of the readiness of the WooCommerce plugin for HivePay, emphasizing its significance for WordPress users and bloggers. The hosts also touch upon the importance of embracing new technologies like cryptocurrency and the need for continuous improvement in business strategies.

The transcript encompasses discussions around the need for entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers to embrace new technologies and avoid complacency akin to the downfall of Blockbuster. The speakers stress the importance of staying innovative, updating websites, and incorporating cryptocurrency payment systems into business models. The dialogue emphasizes proactive decision-making, adaptation to industry trends, and continuous self-improvement to succeed in the rapidly evolving world of entrepreneurship.

The conversation on the video channel focuses on affiliate marketing and community building, emphasizing the importance of list-building, creating valuable content, and actively engaging in the community. The hosts discourage outdated business approaches and encourage continuous learning, community support, and pursuing unique business ideas for sustainable success. They highlight the significance of taking initiative, embracing change, and engaging in meaningful ventures within the digital space.

The later transcripts explore themes of creativity and uniqueness in online businesses, stressing the importance of standing out and seeking inspiration from experts. Continuous learning, seeking feedback, and collaboration are encouraged to drive success. The discussion touches on time management, financial decisions, and personal growth in the business realm, underlining the value of prudent financial management, perseverance, and learning from experiences to achieve success.

Detailed Article:

The episode of Thursday Night Live on the blockchain sheds light on the advancements in HivePay, particularly focusing on the improvements related to the WooCommerce plugin. Blaine's detailed account of the updates, including checkout cart enhancements, Buy Now buttons, and fixed email notifications, reflects the team's dedication to refining the platform. The readiness of the WooCommerce plugin marks a significant milestone, offering WordPress users and bloggers an opportunity to leverage the HivePay platform for seamless transactions.

The hosts underline the importance of staying abreast of technological advancements, emphasizing the inclusion of cryptocurrency payment systems in business models. The parallels drawn to Blockbuster's failure to adapt serve as a poignant reminder for entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers to remain innovative and avoid complacency. The discussion resonates with a call to action for proactive decision-making, website updates, and a forward-thinking approach to business strategies.

Moving beyond the episode, the conversation on the video channel accentuates the pillars of successful online businesses, emphasizing list-building, content creation, and community engagement. The hosts advocate for continuous learning and exploring niche passions, steering individuals away from conventional make-money-online schemes. The emphasis on community support and unique business ideas underscores the significance of authenticity and proactive involvement in the digital landscape for sustainable growth.

Subsequent discussions delve into the essence of creativity and uniqueness in digital ventures, urging individuals to differentiate themselves and seek inspiration from industry experts. The emphasis on continuous learning, feedback-seeking, and collaboration echoes the narrative of proactive self-improvement and innovation as key drivers of success. The holistic approach to nurturing personal growth, seeking new perspectives, and driving projects with determination permeates the dialogue, fostering a culture of resilience and adaptability in the competitive online business arena.

In closing, the thematic exploration of time management, financial prudence, and personal development encapsulates the essence of the entrepreneurial journey. The emphasis on diligent resource allocation, perseverance, and continuous learning resonates as cornerstones of success. The speaker's narrative, exemplified by personal anecdotes and valuable insights, serves as a guiding light for aspiring individuals looking to navigate the complex realm of online businesses with integrity and sustainable growth strategies.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.
