Misfits Coffee: A Lil Place Review🤎 || "Of Paths to Happiness and Peace"🕊️



Who is a misfit? According to Google, "a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way; RE: 'a motley collection of social misfits".

When you think about it, in one way or another, we are all "misfits" by that standard haha. We all have some quirks that make us stand out from others, correct?

I love how this concept is turned into a café! °MISFITS° 🤎 It makes all of us believe that "misfits" are actually "fitting" to this crazy world we live in.

What do you think of this coffee shop, Hive friends? If you ask me, I'd say it is pretty quaint and homey. It's aesthetic is definitely something else. I love how everything just "blends well" together and makes this place stand out against all other cafĂŠs. It has its own vibe. It is its own character.

The chairs that have doodles of cartoon characters - I love them! It makes the place "alive". Oh, and the book shelf! Any place with books that are free to read - oh yes please sign me up.🤸‍♀️ The wooden tables and chairs complement the "what is going on" scenario of the place, for sure. Its glass panes that allow you to see the trees outside - perfect! Allows room for imagination and lots of inspiration from nature.🍃

I love this space. Here. 🤎 I'll soon be back, for sure.

I especially love how the place smells life coffee (ALL THE TIME) because the coffee house is small and so the aroma of coffee beans lingers in the air - so romantic!🫶

In another blogspot, I will share my photos with my best friend Tin and how we both love our experience in this café. So stay tuned, loves!!😘

"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it." - Eckhart Tolle

In your quest for happiness and peace, you may often find yourself wrestling with a storm of negative thoughts and emotional turbulence. These patterns are like unwelcome guests, overstaying their welcome in the sanctuary of your mind. Imagine for a moment that you have the power to alter the course of your inner narrative. Your journey to personal transformation begins with recognizing these habitual intruders and understanding that your true self is not defined by them.

Remember the times when a single thought led you down a spiraling staircase into anxiety or sadness? You're not alone. I've been there, staring into the abyss of my own making. But here's the heartening news: just as a gardener learns the ways of the soil and seasons to cultivate a blooming garden, you can become an insightful observer of your inner world. It's in this observation that you'll find the seeds of transformation. I learned to observe my thoughts, to acknowledge their presence without allowing them to dictate my emotions. And in this space of awareness, a profound change began.

You might wonder how to break free from the shackles of old reactions that no longer serve you. It’s not just about willpower; it’s about strategy. The strategy of mindfulness is a gentle, yet powerful ally. It's about finding that quiet corner in the midst of chaos, where you can watch your thoughts and feelings parade by without getting swept away by them. By observing without attachment, you begin to realize that you are the sky—all else is just the weather.

Managing emotions isn't about suppression or pretense. It’s about recognition and navigation. Just as a sailor must understand the sea to voyage safely, you must understand your emotions to navigate life. It's not easy—I've felt the grip of anger and the sting of disappointment. But each emotion is a messenger, and by listening, we learn to steer our vessel with wisdom. This knowledge is the compass that guides you toward a more fulfilled existence.

How often do we react out of habit, only to later regret our hastiness? Our brains are wired to follow well-trodden paths. But here’s the beautiful truth: these paths can be redirected. The first step is to catch yourself in the very act of reacting. It’s like pressing pause in the middle of a movie scene to ask, “Is this how I want the story to go?” I’ve stumbled through this process, but with practice, the moments of pause grew, creating room for new, healthier patterns to take root.

Let the horizon in this image be your guide: With every step of awareness, you chart a course through the tumultuous seas of self-doubt, steering towards the calm shores of your potential.

The present moment holds the key to the shackles of past regrets and future anxieties. Staying in the now can seem like an elusive concept, but it’s really about homecoming—returning to yourself. In the moment, there is clarity and peace, the kind that can weather any storm. I’ve often chased after fleeting moments of happiness, only to find that they were always there—in the here and now—waiting patiently for me to arrive.

Your journey to transformation is not a solitary trek; it's a shared human endeavor. As you turn these pages and reflect upon your own story, know that the path you're embarking on is walked by many. Every step of awareness, each small victory over the patterns that once held you captive, is a testament to your courage and the malleable nature of your spirit. Let this be your guide, a beacon as you navigate the beautiful complexity of your inner landscape towards a life rich with happiness and peace.

Imagine standing at the edge of a vast ocean, the waves of your thoughts crashing against the shoreline of your mind. Each wave carries a story, a pattern, or a past reaction that has somehow defined who you think you are. But let me tell you, you are more than your thoughts, more than your patterns. You are the captain of your own ship, and the power to navigate through the stormy seas of habitual negativity rests in your hands. Today, I challenge you to hoist the sails of change and set forth on the transformative voyage towards the serene waters of happiness and peace.

You've felt it before—the tug of an unseen anchor holding you back as you reach for joy. It's that whisper of doubt, that habitual emotional response that dims the brightness of your dreams. But, my friend, it’s time to dive deep and untangle those chains. I'm here to remind you that with each breath, you have the opportunity to observe, to choose, and to free yourself. By embracing mindfulness, you become the observer of your inner world, not its prisoner. And as your coach, I've witnessed the liberation that this awareness brings—it’s like watching the dawn break after a long night; it’s a rebirth, your rebirth into a life where peace and contentment aren't just fleeting visitors, but your constant companions.

So, here's to you, the brave soul who dares to step into the arena of self-discovery. You are not defined by the echoes of old habits; you are shaped by the courage to overcome them. Remember, every moment is a fresh chance to rewrite your story, to paint a new horizon. Keep your eyes on the horizon, your heart open to change, and your mind clear of the clutter of yesterday. Happiness and peace are not just dreams—they are choices, they are practices, they are your rightful legacy. Let's embark on this journey together, with resilience in our steps and hope in our hearts.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


What a great ambiance! ✨
The words were also powerful and motivational. Enjoy the day and be safe always.

Kind regards,
The Ferrer Blogs ♡


It is a good place indeed ✨✨✨
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! It is super appreciated!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
