Food Trip with ze Bestie | Local Election Day | A Moment "Unplugged" Thoughts 🌶️🗳️🧘‍♀️



"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller

Raise your hand if you agree with the above!🙋🏼‍♀️ I have had an "aha" moment of late. As I thought about the word "adventure", the first things that come to mind would be those activities that are "death defying". Jumping off a cliff, paragliding, free diving, Motocross racing, climbing Mount Everest, joining a triathlon, and I could go on, but you get the point. Far too often we do not think of "living life in general amidst all this chaos" as an adventure, correct? No we don't. But if we examine closely, us bravely living our authentic lives is an adventure in and of itself. When we express ourselves witbcourage - that's an adventure. When we go against the tide of "cultural materialism" - that's an adventure. That's how I see it now - every single day we choose to see the beauty amidst the world's darkness - it is an adventure. ✨

That's a super lengthy introduction haha. Hey, hive friends, fellow adventurers of this earth!! How are we? How's life? How's our hearts? I hope you all are in a good and healthy place.♥️

Let me share real quick about the "highlights" of this weekend!

👯 besties' date!!! This means "Food Trip" haha! My best friend and I ate lots of good food this weekend. We had melted pita breads (spicy 🌶️ beef) and crunchy shawarma wraps (spicy 🌶️ chicken) with lots and lots of tomatoes before going to our fave coffee house for our "mandatory coffee weekly session" lol. As soon as we're done with the coffee, we were hungry again. (As expected after hours of chatting and laughin.) That's when we had squid rolls, fried fish cakes, and nachos filled with ground beef and creamy sauce. Plus we also got a plate of delicious carbonara, because we were craving.😅 Boy oh boy, we filled ourselves with these scrumptious food, I tell yah. 🤤

🗳️ Local Election Day! The nationwide Barangay elections happened yesterday this it was a holiday here in PH🇵🇭 Of course I exercised my right to vote. I was surprisingly happy when there was no queue in the precint where I voted and the process was so smooth. Yay! In a matter of 5minutes I was done voting. Amazin. Though I am sad that my cousin who ran for Captain did not win. I do hope he gets a shot next campaign period though. I surely hope so!🙏💙

As per usual, let me share the below nugget of wisdom to you all, from my LinkedIn subscription👇👇👇

Have you ever been to an unplugged rock concert? Imagine the strumming of the guitar strings, the raw, powerful vocals, and the intimate connection between the artist and the audience. That very moment, where you feel the music pulsate through every fiber of your being, is a testament to the power of living in the moment. I remember a time when I was so lost in the daily grind that I became numb to such experiences. Life was a blur of routines and responsibilities. It's all too easy to fall into this trance-like state, isn't it? To be so ensnared in our thoughts and preconceived notions that we forget to truly live and feel?
One sunny afternoon, as I lounged on my favorite armchair, a flood of memories washed over me. But, curiously enough, many were like faded photographs—moments lost in the haze of time. How many of these could have been more vibrant, more alive, if only I had been truly present? If only I hadn't been so consumed by my thoughts, judgments, and assumptions. You see, our perception of events, tinged by our internal narratives, can sometimes rob us of the sheer joy of experience.
How often have you backed away from an opportunity or a challenge out of fear? Fear of failure, fear of judgment, or even fear of success? I recall my trepidation before my first action netball game. The adrenaline, the nervousness, the palpable tension in the air. Yet, facing that challenge, immersing myself fully in that experience, brought about a consciousness that was exhilarating. The same can be said for my travels to unknown lands, or those moments of quiet introspection during meditation. Each experience, especially those that pushed me out of my comfort zone, made life richer, fuller, and infinitely more meaningful.
Embrace the fleeting moments and cherish memories before they fade; every photograph carries a story, a sentiment, and a piece of our soul. As you gaze upon this image, remember to live in the present and savor every experience life offers.
As you read this, I urge you to take a moment. Reflect on your life. When was the last time you truly challenged yourself? Stepped out of that cozy bubble of comfort? You see, it's these moments, these experiences, that shake us, mold us, and ultimately define us. It's a reminder that we hold within us the power to shape our perceptions, to live fully, and to savor every fleeting moment.
Perhaps you're wondering, "How do I break free? How do I truly experience life in all its vibrancy?" Well, dear reader, freedom is a state of mind. It's about shifting our perspective, shaking off the shackles of our preconceived notions, and diving headfirst into the river of life. By doing so, you'll find that the world around you is teeming with wonders waiting to be discovered.
What is the essence of consciousness, of being alive? It's a journey, an exploration of the self and the universe around us. As you navigate the winding paths of life, remember that true liberation lies within. Embrace the present, challenge your boundaries, and most importantly, live with your heart wide open.
Dear reader, each day we are presented with a blank canvas, a new opportunity to paint our experiences and memories. Yet, how often do we find ourselves retracing the same strokes, stuck in the monotony of routine, letting life's vibrant colors fade into a muted background? It's all too easy to get trapped in the confines of our comfort zones, allowing fear and preconceptions to cloud our vision. But remember, life's most profound moments often come from stepping out into the unknown, from daring to experience the world with an open heart and a curious mind.
It's time to challenge ourselves, to break free from the chains of the familiar and dive headfirst into the sea of possibilities. The world is brimming with experiences waiting to be embraced, lessons waiting to be learned, and joys waiting to be celebrated. Every heartbeat, every breath is a reminder of the transient nature of life. So, why wait? Embrace the present, shatter those barriers, and paint your canvas with bold, vivid strokes. Because, dear reader, the essence of living is not just to exist, but to truly, deeply, and passionately experience every moment.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
