The Power of Consistency: How Daily Writing Unlocked My Potential


My weekend had been a hectic one, to the extent that it caused my absence from participating in yesterday’s InLEO prompt. However, I want to merge yesterday's topic with today's; though it seems similar, at the same time my major progress in March is seen in my involvement in the prompt task.

For one to improve himself, consistency stands as a cornerstone of this progress. Whatever aspect it may be - learning a new skill, pursuing personal growth, or adopting a healthier lifestyle, staying consistent is demanded because it will help differentiate your success from stagnation. I discovered this secret from the daily writing task I participated.


Unlike the last month, I had an inconsistent record of engaging in the community, this month marked a significant shift. Engaging in the daily writing practice became one of priority in the blockchain, guiding me through the usual/unusual distractions and excuses, towards the world of discipline and achievement. Before I highlight the factors that helped me sustain this level of commitment, I want to share my improvements.

  1. My writing skill improved: If you carefully check my blog, I was struggling with writing a blog of over 600 words because I lacked the creativity to achieve it. The consistent engagement opened my mind, intellect, and all facets of my being to be able to navigate myself and discover more potential in me.

  2. Shaped my level of discipline: Definitely, those who engaged in this task will notice a change in their routine. It may not be everyone, but people like me who are doing such for the first time. I noticed my routine for the month changed, and I became conscious that I needed to engage in the task daily. For this to be made possible, I have to be intentional in making quality post daily which demands a high level of discipline.

Going further, I attribute the newfound consistency to several key factors:

  1. Establishing a Routine: As I mentioned earlier, carving out a specific time each day dedicated solely to writing was what I did for many days, also, I created a ritual that gradually became my daily life. Mine was during the quiet evenings after a long day, I showed a level of commitment by writing qualitatively.

  2. Setting Realistic Goals: When one sets a goal that is unattainable, it leads to frustration and burnout. To avoid such occurrences, I set realistic targets that were challenging yet achievable within my schedule, I can proudly say I achieved them. What helped me was how I broke down my objectives into smaller and manageable tasks.

  3. Celebrating Small Wins: After every week of successfully creating my content, I acknowledge and celebrate the small victory; this reinforced my positive habits and bolstered my confidence. From completing a daily writing session to achieving a personal milestone, taking the time to acknowledge progress served as a potent motivator to continue moving forward.

Through the consistent practice of daily writing, I had a remarkable transformation unfold. What began as a mere task became a profound journey of self-discovery and growth. The discipline cultivated through this practice affected other aspects of my life, instilling a sense of confidence and resilience.

Thank you @leo.task for this initiative, and thank you @leo.voter for the upvotes. It was encouraging in my journey.

Here is my post for today's March Monthly Prompt.

This article is written in InLeo

Inleo is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: [Inleo]) allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency reward

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations to you sir it's not easy when it comes to writing we need to really discipline ourselves to archive that


Consistency is the key to success
