Being Successful As A Hivian And Student

Being successful as a Hivian and student

Hi Hivians!

Happy new month to you all. Today, I gladly began my month with writing a test by my lecturer. The reason I said "gladly" was because I was able to write the test smiling. It was a calculation test that lasted for over an hour.


Yesterday before preparing the test, I made a #hive post and also did some comments, likes and reblogs to other Hivians' posts. For me to successfully combine both academics and #hive is what I intentionally built for myself in that one side doesn't suffer because of the other.

The reading I was doing yesterday was a form of revision because I had prepared for the test long before now; this made me able to balance my academics and financial goals.
I know a lot of people often list out goals for each month for themselves; sometimes they do achieve them, sometimes they don't. Why? Lots of reasons can contribute to this effect but one thing is certain - being able to manage your time.

Just as parents try to run their homes, jobs, businesses, churches, etc without letting one to suffer over the other, the same should be applicable for every Hivian who wishes to be successful in this ecosystem.
I am glad I'm becoming a better person than yesterday because I'm managing my time so well - because I recall giving excuses that due to my academics I couldn't make post for the meantime.


However, tomorrow is another day for a test which I'm currently preparing for; please wish me luck, guys!

What Next?

As you begin the month strong, try by all means to balance your daily schedule so that you will be successful.

Thank You For Reading

Note: All pictures were originally captured by me
