Burning some card

Good morning eveyone, how about today? I hope you can pass everything you have. Sometime I am thinking about our life. Life is very short. Now I am near to 30 year. What happen in past. I was studying some engineer class and I got BE. But now what I am doing. When I was quit my telecom engineer field, I never go back to engineer field. I start my own business. And then I got some failer. Sometime I want to give up my life. In my country, I don't have future. I don't think about what happen in tomorrow.

Today I burn some combine card that is not unuseful for me. So I loss some constrution card. But I need to do bucause these card was reduce my income.

Today I will stop here. Next time we will meet with another topic. Take care your health and I hope I can survice in your own war.

