I love how the white flowers look in the macro shots (Esp-Eng)


Una vez más en esta maravillosa ¨PhotographyLoversCommunity¨:  Compartiendo mi pasión por las fotografías macros. Me encanta esta técnica, sobre todo cuando hago fotografías de la naturaleza, es la mejor manera de destacar todos los detalles que se pueden encontrar en una planta

Once again in this wonderful ¨PhotographyLoversCommunity¨:  Sharing my passion for macro photography. I love this technique, especially when I take photographs of nature, it is the best way to highlight all the details that can be found in a plant

No se si a ustedes les ha ocurrido al momento de hacer una fotografía, que estando allí no ven determinadas cosas y al editar se encuentran con detalles que no han visto, o un pequeño insecto escondido en el centro de una flor. Por estas pequeñas cosas es que me gusta hacer tomas macros, me encanta descubrir en la edición esos pequeños detalles que las hacen única a la fotografía

I don't know if it has happened to you when taking a photograph that while there you don't see certain things and when editing you find details that you haven't seen, or a small insect hidden in the center of a flower. It is because of these little things that I like to take macro shots, I love discovering in the editing those small details that make photography unique

En esta oportunidad me enfoque en dos hermosas plantas, una de ella es conocida con el nombre de ¨Azalea¨: Una planta que resiste el clima que tenemos en mi ciudad, además, dependiendo de la especie tienen formas diferentes y cambian de colores, lo que hace ideal para ornamentar un espacio del jardín

This time I focused on two beautiful plants, one of them is known by the name ¨Azalea¨: A plant that resists the climate we have in my city, in addition, depending on the species they have different shapes and change colors, which makes it ideal for decorating a space from the garden

La otra planta que escogí para fotografiar seguro ustedes la conocen, se trata de una planta de ¨rosa¨:  este tipo de planta, además de tener bellas flores, hay muchos detalles que se pueden observar al momento de hacer una toma macro, como la formación del pimpollos, el interior de la flor, incluso el tallo tiene detalles hermosos que merecen ser destacado al momento de fotografiar con una camara¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

The other plant that I chose to photograph, I'm sure you know it, it is a ¨pink¨:  this type of plant, in addition to having beautiful flowers, there are many details that can be observed when taking a macro shot, such as the formation of the buds, the interior of The flower, even the stem, has beautiful details that deserve to be highlighted when photographing with a “nikoncoolpixb500” camera

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Hello my dear friend @jlufer
I have checked so many times, when we capture with Marco then it seems very beautiful in screen but when we see in image then we find a little different.
Main bhi possible that it can be different of device lens.
Anyway those are beautiful white flowers. First one is a similar to Jasmine but second one white rose is really beautiful with dew drops.


Hello dear friend @certain good morning
It's true, the azaleas have a certain resemblance to jasmine, and the rose flowers are really beautiful, and with those details that the water drops provide, the photographs turned out great
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support that you always give me.
Have a happy start to the week


The photos are very well taken! Looks great in the macro mode!
I have poor photography skills but is trying to learn more and improve on it 😅


Hello dear friend @ak08 good morning
What a joy to know that you have liked my images. Taking photographs is a matter of practice and learning from the experience of others about the techniques that exist. I have no doubt that you will soon take beautiful shots
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit. Have a happy and prosperous week


Yeah been trying to explore and pick up some of those skillset in photography!
Do no have a professional camera for my pictures, so just relying on my trusty iPhone for now 😅

You have a great week ahead as well 🤗
