Embracing the art and culture of saving: my commitment to a healthy saving lifestyle


Saving is a common word yet a strange practice in my life up until recently, when I consciously began to save first on the hive platform. I have been exposed to much financial knowledge, but putting into practicality the art and culture of saving has always been a herculean task I did not see myself actualizing.

Saving money always seemed necessary for those who had a need to accomplish something or had an abundance of resources. That was a big misconception, as the resources we enjoy will hardly be enough for the unending wants and needs that surround us. It is common to save money after expenses; however, has there actually been an abundance of time that we have had excesses in repeated instances after we have expended on wants and needs? There is usually something to spend on, which may not be immediate but can be in the near future.

No wonder it is financial advice that we save before spending. Saving inculcates a habit and discipline that should be nurtured with strict commitment so that careless expenditures are minimized. Savings is a conscious commitment to setting aside certain amounts from earnings or income (including gifts).

Having a savings goal also helps keep our commitment high. Savings do not necessarily have to be convenient. It should readily become a habit we are proud of.


Imbibing the saving culture does not imply one should starve oneself. What benefit will you have from a savings plan when your health (mental and physical) is compromised as a result of not attending to your wants and needs as may be required? Perhaps the individual would further expose himself to unhealthy practices that would eventually gulp up the savings he may have stored up.

Who should save? Everyone! I have seen parents open a savings account for their children, even those who can barely pronounce their own names. It is good practice that everyone has something saved up somewhere that should be easily accessible when there is a compelling need for it.

Perhaps the saying that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step finally came to pass when I decided to consciously save for my bicycle; however, beyond that, I have realized that I should not save only when I have a focus or need in mind but that saving should be an art and culture I should embrace as part and parcel of me. Saving should both be towards a goal and for rainy days. We can put our savings towards wants and needs such as tuition, business, rent, travel, etc., or let the savings just sit there as a tool to meet emergency needs when and if they arise.

For me, saving has become an art that I intend to nurture as a habit. I recently started saving on Hive; it is little, but it is a step that I appreciate and look forward to keeping taking progressively. I do not want to be seen as a hard worker who does not have savings. Such a lifestyle can be embarrassing when urgent needs arise.

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions. 🤗

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
