Splinterlands Season 21 of 2023, Gladius Packs and SPS

The Splinterlands season ended earlier this week so I want to review my rewards and check up on some things in the game. I stayed in Silver rank for most of the season and advanced on the day before the end to get some gold chests. My plan didn't go according to schedule and I didn't get as many chests as I got in the previous season. The fights were just tough and I failed to get to Gold II this time around. There were too many opponents with max level cards for gold league and I was at a disadvantage

Season Rewards

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Compared to last season, my rewards were worst than last time but I kind of expected that due to ending in Gold III last season. There were no chaos legion packs, legendary, or epic cards again this time. There is more SPS but less merits this time around. There was a gold foil common card this time. My potions were higher than last time though.

Gladius Packs

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I was able to collect 5 packs since the last time I opened packs. My guild move toward 3 star brawls and the rewards can depend based on my luck in brawls. There were no gold foil cards this time around but I did get 7 rare cards and 1 epic cards from 5 packs. It's not as great as last time, but I still think it's a decent pack opening.

I upgraded my Witch of Warwick Gladiator to level 4. This a decent card with the life leech ability. With the upgrade, it now has an extra speed so it can attack faster now. I do use this quite often if I am using death splinter and there is a gladiator spot open.

I upgraded my Alva the Crusher Gladiator card to level 4. This is a great card to have and it's powerful because of the shield. I already had a gold foil version at level 4 so there are no upgrades to my fights but the increase in level did add a melee attack to its stats.


The rewards were about the same as last time with some spots earning more than last time and others a bit lower.

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My pool reward for the season is 101.336 SPS. I plan on staking all of this along with all of my staking rewards for a total of 227.713 SPS. The total SPS was around what I usually expected if I discount the difference between the liquidity rewards. I am just stacking up those VOUCHERs.


Going forward, I will be sticking with the Silver League and moving up to gold on the last day. The rewards are slightly better than last time and I think it is pretty good because of the two chaos legion packs. So far, out of 10 claims, 6 of them were good and this was the sixth time when I used the potions along with the season rewards so I was expecting it to help me out more. The quality of the chests does matter but I don't know how things will go because the fights have become more competitive as people rush into modern ranked battles. I was able to reach Gold II this time around so I think my rewards will be better next time.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Your Gladius case opening looks good, it would hurt to start hoping for a level 4 Quora as more copies come your way.


It's not bad but my summoners are the bottleneck for level 4 Quora.
