Perhaps the universe has better plans for me

My DREAMS as a child.jpg

I dreamed as a child of becoming a doctor, so I chose to become a science student, but that did not happen, or maybe it would be better to say not yet.

In my case, registering for and sitting for WAEC wasn't easy due to the lack of money my parents managed to send me to primary and secondary school. Therefore, I should be glad I got to go through primary and secondary school.

Despite the financial difficulty, and other challenges of life I encountered, I was still determined to get an education and do well. This is why it is good to have good, God-fearing, and responsible people around you. They can encourage and motivate you to stay focused on your goals and dreams. They can also provide support and guidance in times of need. Moreover, having such people around can bring out the best in you and help you achieve success.

Eventually, I was able to sit for and pass the WAEC exam. My first attempt at that exam resulted in a D in English, so I almost gave up after struggling to earn the required amount. But I decided to try again and worked hard for the second attempt. I was relieved when I finally passed the exam with a better grade in English. I was proud of myself for not giving up on my dreams.

I am now grateful for the opportunity to further my education and have a better future. Although I am not studying anything related to medicine or being a doctor, I am still grateful for the knowledge I am gaining. I believe it will help me be successful in whatever path I choose. I am confident I will make a positive impact in the world.

Recently, I gained admission to a polytechnic as a part-time student and am studying business administration.

I couldn't go for any science-related course even though I wanted to because the lecture time wasn't convenient for me at all.

How would I handle getting to class at 5 p.m. and staying until 9 p.m. after the lecture ends from Monday to Friday until the course is complete?

I had to consider a lot of factors, including how I would take care of my son, the transportation cost of going and coming, the distance I had to factor in exhaustion, and the cost of meals as well. After much consideration, I decided to choose a non-science course, business administration. This would save time, money, and energy.

I did some research before choosing the course and came to find out that a science student can also study business administration. Business administration courses provide a foundation in topics related to business and management, such as accounting, finance, and marketing. This knowledge can be used in a variety of careers, both in the science field as well as in other areas.

It's true that I'm not doing what I dreamed of doing as a child, but at the same time, I don't feel like I have made a wrong decision since I have been enjoying the courses. It's just a matter of reading and understanding them.

My prayer to God is that even as I do my best to read and understand, I should have good grades, pass out in flying color and probably in the future, establish a business of my home.

This is my story in summary , and I know God will be with me in every step I take. I'm confident that with His help, I will be able to achieve my goals and aspirations. I'm looking forward to the future with great hope and expectation.

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I'm happy you never gave up on education despite all the challenges you went through definitely God has something huge for you Don't relent


Hmmm it is well. I love the fact that you understand the way life situation has turn to you and your courage of not giving up. I believe the universe has better plans for you, keep pushing friend 👍


I also join you to say that you'll be able to achieve your goals and aspirations by God's grace.
I believe you're doing well for yourself already, keep up the good work.


Life doesn't always work the way we would have loved it to. The passion for education was there but no money 💰 to further it. I'm just happy you didn't give up on education. Having a D in English isn't encouraging but I'm glad you kept on trying.

With positive- minded people around, one is always encouraged and motivated to do more.
You are doing great already 👍.


God's plan is always the best, maybe we were carried away by our plans but he knows best
Thank God for you ma, at least you're getting better than having nothing.

On the other side business administration somehow suits you too, you kind of look like a business woman 😂, Sha all that matters is that our destinies are in God's hands so what ever we do we would prosper
