Self care first money later

10 life lessons from a monk.png

1 Prioritize self-care in the morning. Dedicate time to stretching, washing your face, or having breakfast to take care of yourself.

2 Connect with nature. Incorporate a walk through the park or spend time near trees to appreciate nature's beauty.

3 Practice mindful breathing. Focus on your breath to meditate and consciously take deep breaths in and out.

4 Speak words of happiness. Express gratitude or wish joy upon others out loud to boost your mood and theirs.

5 Embrace forgiveness. Let go of negativity by genuinely wishing well for those you may not agree with or love.

6 Maintain a clean space. Regularly declutter or wipe down surfaces to create a detoxing environment.

7 Unplug and disconnect. Leave your phone at home during a walk or put it away while preparing for bed to reduce distractions.

8 Pause for mindfulness. Take brief moments to take deep breaths and be fully present before engaging in activities.

9 Adopt a fresh perspective. Break free from rigid thinking by examining your thoughts and observing how nature embraces change.

10 Nurture your face and hands. Care for your skin as you would care for valuable tools, recognizing their importance in your life.

Incorporate self-care into skincare rituals. Create a 7-second skincare ritual, like The Essence, to nourish your skin and promote a relaxed state of mind. Remember that small changes can make a significant impact on your life.

Art created using bluewillow

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