Some Garden Thoughts

A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.

- Gertrude Jekyll

Some days back, I was mostly on Hive until mid-afternoon when I decided to put my screen on sleep mode for a break. It was either a nap or a garden visit. Whilst my eyes wanted the former, the mind pushed for the latter which is good of course.

So I headed out without thinking much about where to go. My feet led me the spot where we stopped our yard stroll on Father's Day. The husband was busy scrolling FB looking for a pup that would take his heart away. He had been on the hunt for a long while already but have not found any yet. There's no rush though, we have taken decided to heed the advice from Dane on threads to be patient and we are doing just that.

Anyhow, back to my yard walk, I found quite a few things that got me practice taking photos. Not that I really tried, it's obviously just me capturing things with a "point-and-shoot" style.

First is this variegated plant that wowed me to the point that I stayed there for some wee while being amazed at it. Why so? It grew by the wall of the old bodega (storage house). Its main stem wilted being on the cemented ground with no soil, but it found a way to survive by growing roots where its leaves are. It was supposed to be transplanted on a pot but it was neglected and forgotten. Cruel, yeah?

I was taken aback for a while thinking how resilient and adaptive the plant is. And I'd be a real clown if I take it away from that wall with the thought of transplanting it elsewhere when I should have done that before. No, I'm not gonna do that. Will just see how it will continue to thrive right where it is. Although it looks as though someone had pinned it there, some 15 inches above the ground, lol!

Next one is a young coffee plant that germinated on its own. A few feet from it is the mother tree, its branches have been pruned. It fascinates me how plants do all sort of things - from a mere seed, they germinate from where they fall, grow and thrive against all odds without human intervention. Ain't that magical?

Growth, resilience, adaptive capabilities, resourcefulness, self-sufficiency - these are at least what I learned from these two. Gardening does teach us a lot of things (when we take time to observe and ponder upon things). It is not merely about growing plants but also of learning and personal growth.

Meanwhile, the following photos are being included for they exude beauty and they flaunt it in their own way.

Flowering Blackjack, a type of weed that grow almost everywhere. Its blooms are beautiful and seem to be one of the favorites of bees.

Below are buds of a type of Hibiscus which we locally refer to as "Gumamela." It was my first time to take a closer look of their tiny buds. Mesmerized, I got them in photos.

I didn't even realize that they have yellows in them until I reviewed these photos. It made me realize how shortsighted I can be on a lot of things around me.

Anyhow, let me end my ramblings now before it gets weirder. I seem to have lost my sense so will be taking the day off to adventure elsewhere. Hope to be back with a clearer mind and renewed spirit.

Cheers to (whaat? Wednesday already?) a happy hump day!

Photos are my own. 28062023/09:22ph


Lovely plants and flowers like you po ma'am @ifarmgirl. Grandma told me once that she talk to her plants whenever she's already stressed disciplining me lol. But those lovely creatures will took your stress away and will replace it with a beautiful mood. Happy Wednesday madam 😍💖


Great shots - it is good that your computer went in sleep mode but not you. Being in the garden, is wonderful as one can marvel at the beauty around us. Whether it’s the variegated plant that knows how to find its way or the exotic blackjack it yellow hibiscus. Your ramblings made a lot of sense.


That blackjack flower is beautiful, i think it's been a long time that you posted about your garden 😉
Have a good day farm girl 💕


Thank you, Lesly. It was a long while indeed :) Have a lovely day too.


Everywhere exists some lessons. We just need to figure out it. Gardening also teach us lesson about patience and the results of our work. If we do well, it will give us good results.

All the photographs of plants and flowers is really looking beautiful.


You know it so well, Inti. I totally agree with you.


Ang ganda. Nakapag-isip ka pa ng lessons mula rito. Hehe


Hi, sis!
It's good to take a day off from time to time to recharge our batteries and clear our minds. Venturing out there and just observing, there are always wonders around us that often go unnoticed.
I hope you soon find the puppy you are looking for or that some needy puppy out there finds you. 🤗


Hello, amiga :) I'm just seeing this now. And yes, those moments we venture out are always good. We hope so too. The hubby is at it again right now, looking for one. But it would be awesome if the opposite happens, the pup finding us 😅



When our brain feels scrambled the garden is best to wonder, photograph enjoying whatever is right in front of us. Later revealing hidden little treasures we normally miss.

Sit in the garden and wait for nature to come, it always does arrive! Hope you found the inspiration you were looking for !LUV


Sometimes, the best way to clear your mind and renew your spirit is to get out of your usual routine and explore new places.


Very, very true. Doing that often makes us feel a lot better afterwards.

