The Hidden Barriers: Why Good Looks and Connections Outweigh Talent in Job Interviews

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it's not easy to find a right job to work since the employment opportunities are way less and the one that exists are more likely reserved for known people in their circle.

I've given interviews in multiple workplaces before when I was trying to find a job and found this particular thing very common.

There's a lot of things wrong about hiring new employees like interview after interview and asking for the reference in an interview doesn't make sense.

Find a reference before interview

I've encountered this in multiple places while giving interview they've always asked; who's your reference? Like it means who told you about us and you know anyone working there.

I never went to a place with someone else reference. So, when I tell them I've got no reference, that's when they're like meh - we are only looking for people with reference.

Image by kirill_makes_pics from Pixabay

in our country mostly people get jobs so easily if they know someone working on a better position in that workplace.

Hiring others based on merit is more like a myth and this one big reason why everything is wrong in this country. One who are skilled aren't getting the job because some uncle had a relative kid who deserves to do that job.

Physical Appearance Matters a lot in a job interview

It makes sense to take physical appearance of a person in consideration when he give interview: the way he speaks, outfit, body language and overall appearance matters a lot.

Skill is and should always be the main criteria for hiring a person not the physical appearance like not everyone are good looking. looks of a person shouldn't be something to judge before hiring. Some places do this a lot "we will only hire attractive people in staff" to make their brand look good but imo it's just ugly way of running a business.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

The kind of physical appearance that do matter is how you're taking care of your body - hygiene and clothes you wear going to places is what defines you.

We can always work on ourselves to improve our body structure from slim to bulk and so on.

I believe in every interview they see how confident and skilled a person is and confidence comes when you're well clothed, have good smell and rest depends on way you communicate.

it's just toxic workplace

Where they prefer good looking people even though one person who have good skills won't get hired because of not having that look.

There's a lot of things wrong about workplaces like they exploit employees openly and no one do anything.

I worked in places where they would want me to do overtime like 12hrs shifts and at the end of the month getting that same salary.

Wrapping Up...

In the end we should be fair with everyone and make ease for other person if someone is looking for a job and came to give interview.

That person spent years to get education and skills which shouldn't be ignored because of physical appearance or not having a reference.

I hope no one have to deal with such experiences especially while giving an interview because it just shakedown entire confidence. I'd like to know what do you think about it in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 22/05/2024.

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You’ve highlighted some crucial aspects of the job search process that many people can relate to. It’s sad to hear about toxic workplaces where employees are exploited with long hours.


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