On the Street Where I Live

Inspired by #MarketFriday by @dswigle

Christmas tree lantern.jpg
All photos featured are taken from my mobile phone. I took the photos myself.

It's time for another market Friday. For this post, I will be sharing some photos from the fruit vendors and stores found at the ground floor of the apartment building where we live. Also, I'm sharing the annual Christmas decoration of our barangay (township). It's the cover photo for this post. Plus, I'm also sharing the Christmas decor at the lobby where I go for my after work tutorials every Mondays to Fridays.

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I am not sure if there is a contest of sorts for all the neighboring barangays, as this spot next to the Mercury Drug pharmacy (I shared about this pharmacy on #ThoughtfulDailyPost -- Journaling) is reserved for the annual holiday decoration.

Every year, the Christmas tree looks different. I still find it fascinating. We have stopped decorating for the holidays a long time ago. I just love admiring how others decorate for the season.


The "parol" or the star-shaped Christmas lantern is a local tradition that symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem that guided the magis to the manger where the baby Jesus was born. It is interesting to see the "parol" and the Christmas tree side by side.

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Another local tradition (or superstition, if you wish) is to have a fruit basket with 13 different kinds of "round" fruits in welcoming the new year. This is supposed to bring prosperity all year round. I'm not sure I totally buy it, as I do believe that if one consistently works hard and saves enough, the chances of having enough is highly probable. But I suppose, it doesn't hurt if we give in to some form of belief system. For one, it's good to have a variety of fruits around to munch on for snack or dessert. ^_^

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Lucky for us, the street where we live is known for its fruit vendors and stores. During the holidays, a lot of people trek this way to purchase different fruits by the bulk. They do sell it cheaper by wholesale. Most of the vendors are open 24 hours as the New Year approaches. Having lived here for a long time, we are quite used to the noise even at night or the wee hours in the morning.

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I actually stopped to take these photos as I was walking to my after work tutorials. It's just a few blocks from our place.

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Here's the lobby of the place. There's a different decoration each year too. I've been wanting to get these photos, but I kept putting it off. Well, tonight I got the chance. It feels good to see places that are well decorated for the holidays. Personally, though, we don't go for seasonal decorations at home.

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The electric fan is a bit of an eyesore in the overall decoration, but it is quite understandable as the weather here is still a bit too warm for the season. Proper ventilation is just as important.

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Have a look at that cozy waiting lounge. Well, that's it for now! Till next edition of market Friday.

* * * * * * *


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I'm a graduate of Steem Terminal's October Redfish Rally


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That blue one was spectacular Christmas Tree

This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work.


I love the big star!!


Lovely to see the Christmas decorations out and so close to your home!
I would find that hard to have a market open all night long if it were close by but it does make it very convenient for the shoppers!
Thanks for sharing from your part of the world!


Beautiful christmas tree.
Rarely see small Christmas trees with word lights on them.
Be rare.
