Learning CTP with Howard Fullmer what is ctptalk.com? part 7 Using CTPTALK"s blog editor


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Hello Howard Fullmer back and today I am learing about Using CTPTALK"s blog editor

The Blog editor in CTPtalk is simple and easy to use just click the pen icon to get started.
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This editor is the HTML editor what you see is what you get editor.

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This editor is markdown editor it is easier to use once you learn the coding. This editor is allso easier for uploading images.

Easy to use but powerful!

 1. Markdown has a little bit of a learning curve but easier to edit when you learn.
 2. ctp has training on how to use html to help with html code to use on your blogs.
 3. Adding images and headers to your posts is a must. Canva.com is recommended I personally use photoshop for all my image/graphic cause i like photoshop.

Thank you for viewing my post

Howard Fullmer @howyf2

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BAM! yuuuup, this is one I truly believe is helpfully for many, and a nice reminder for my "brain freeze" times Thx!
