Playing Mintopoly Moon for fun and profit


What do you see in the thumbnail image?

The image displays all the Moon bases available for players to own in Mintopoly Moon play2earn game. Colored dots are bases already taken and grey ones are still free.

I would say around half of the bases are taken, maybe little less, I don't know exact number but four of those bases are in my possession and they generate me resources every day. I'll get back to that later.

Mintopoly Moon is play2earn blockchain game on Polygon network. There are two ways to own a base in the game. One is to buy one on Opensea. Prices depend on demand and currently lowest price is 6.35 Matic tokens for basic bases with no upgrades. Heavily upgraded bases can significatly go up in price.

There are several types of bases in Mintopoly, each producing different resource like magic, water, moon bricks, silver, infrastructure, electricity, crops, culture and influence. Recently new addition is added Military base which produces troops you can use to attack other bases.

Each base can be upgraded using resources from the game. Some of the upgrades are defense, staking, luck etc. More upgrades more powerful the base is.

Here are 4 of my bases in the game producing magic, culture, influence and silver.

During one day there are 24 harvest, one per hour. I can also harvest my own base if no one has done that in 2 days and avoid splitting the resources with random harvester.

One of the most interesting upgrades is luck. This is the number attribute from 0 to 10. So if a random base have luck 9 or 10 it's very possible (I think it's around 1:4) to hit the jackpot which can go up to even 1500 units of resource.

There is in-game marketplace for selling and buying resources. Game token is MM and can be exchanged for Matic (Polygon) within Metamask wallet. For me as a Hive blogger it's also important that I can also exchange Matic for Hive so the path is MM - Matic - Hive - HBD and into savings :) or just power up Hive.

The price of the MM token varies. Current value is about 5k-6k for 1 Matic. In days when I'm lucky with jackpots I can get enough tokens (combined with staking) to buy 1 Matic. That's almost $1 per day. Semi passive.

Here is my latest balance all from Mintopoly Moon, haven't exchanged it yet.

Another way to earn MM tokens is through Simulation game. Blockchain Simulation is a mini game where you run virtual miners and compete with other players for 250k tokens airdrop. Simulation is 100% free to play and lasts from 2 to 7 days. At the end everyone who contributed at least 1% of the goal get its share of airdrop.

Right now we are in simulation number 199. When I first started back with simulation 94 there were around 500 players. Now there are around 200 which means bigger chance to get piece of the prize.

Please note you'll get Social Network NFT if you use one of my aff links above to join the game. This NFT will speed up your Simulation game in early stages. Thanks.

I hope you enjoyed this short review.

Images I used in this post are screenshots from Mintopoly Moon game. One image is screenshot from Polygon explorer website. Dividers are made by me in Canva, you can customize it for free here.

Some links are affiliate links, which means I may earn some benefits if you use them with no additional costs to you.

Other crypto earning projects I participate in:

The Arena - SoFi app and social network on Avalance.

©Borgminer 2023
