Who's building a decentralized reddit? We are!



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Did you catch that tweet from Ryan Adams? If not, let me bring you up to speed: He's mulling over who's busy constructing a decentralized Reddit. Given the hefty API charges and subreddit insurgencies, he reckons it's about time for a hearty splash of crypto chaos.

And guess what's sitting pretty in our toolbox? Yes indeed, it's our very own Hive!

In response to his tweet, I served up our Hive marketing video. It elegantly articulates what Hive is all about, not just a decentralized network for sharing information but also a financial ledger anchored in the blockchain. It’s a network where we, the users, hold the reins and determine its destiny.

My proof of participation


Now it's your turn to get involved. I want us, the vibrant Hive community, to demonstrate to Ryan and his followers what we're made of. Head over to his tweet, and share your thoughts. Spread the word about your experiences and, crucially, how Hive is the ideal antidote.


To spice things up a notch, I'm dishing out Hive upvotes for each of you who dive in and participate. That's right, you'll scoop up those upvotes simply for expressing your Hive enthusiasm.

There's no stopwatch ticking here. This isn't about who's the fastest; it's a long-distance run. We're after genuine, organic engagement. However, remember, the earlier we kick things off, the more significant our impact can be.

Let's ramp up the Hive hum to deafening levels. Let's show Ryan and the rest of the world our true colors. It's time to hit the road running, Hive!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


But it's not a reddit alternative you have to build a front end for it first...
