Raising Our Voices: The Hive Call to Action


Hello Hive community,

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that the last thing the internet needs is more censorship. It's a heartbreak to see someone's hard work disappear overnight, lost to the ever-hungry maw of internet censorship. That's something I, as an avid marketer of Hive on Twitter, have seen all too often.

And this is why I'm talking to you today.


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It's not just about a conversation; it's a call to action. In the quest for a censorship-free digital world, we've turned our eyes to solutions like Nostr. But let's face it - Nostr isn't the silver bullet we need. It carries with it a centralized authority, posing potential threats of censorship, contradicting the essence of what we're trying to achieve.

Why hive, eh?

Hive operates on a protocol level, targeting the root cause of censorship, and not just plastering over the cracks. It's decentralized, thus cutting the strings of central authority. It's more than just a platform; it's a paradigm shift.

Now, I need your help to share this message.


I have tweeted a call to action, aimed at none other than Jack Dorsey, Twitter's founder. We're taking our fight against censorship to the mainstream, but we need as many voices as possible to make our chorus heard.

So, Hive community, here's your mission, should you choose to accept it: Interact with my tweet. Like it, retweet it, reply to it. Amplify our message so that it reverberates across the Twittersphere.

Once you've done that, come back here and leave a proof of your participation in the comments below. I'll be upvoting all participation as a token of appreciation.

Our voices together can start a conversation that may ripple out into real change. Remember, every like, every retweet, every reply counts. Let's raise our voices for the fight against censorship.

Let's make Hive heard.

In unity,

Join our Telegram group on this link

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
