Threads Has Completely Changed My Hive Life With Improvement In Quality Engagements



Threads which was launched couple of weeks back, as really influenced me in leveling up my engagement skills on hive, and also have the ability to earn as I do it.
Well even before the launched we have been in and out of AMA’s on how the everything application is going to be and possibly date of launch.

The leofinance plans has clearly been an interesting one has the team has been able to provided a utility for the native token Leo. Using the monthly Leo power up campaign, which the recent one saw a record breaking experience every since the campaign started. The most exciting part in all this is the engagement and also the ability to earn while at it, creating more utility for the native token Leo which will help in accelerating the market price growth of the crypto token.

So you would ask why am I bullish on Leo? And my response would be who won’t be, to see the first of it’s kind social web3 built with the foot print of web2 twitter making quality engagement a lucrative business. Threads has also given opportunity to short content creators to showcase their contents on the platform. To top it all every content creator has sole right, I mean 100% right to their content looking at it from the monetary stand point.

In conclusion threads has change my hive life for good, increased my source of earnings and also has help in engaging meaningful with conversations/ discussions and I am glad I am having fun while doing it.

If you see this post on a Web2 ecosystem and you have no clue about what Leofinance is here is a brief definition;

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.
Over here we refer to users as lions, so are you ready to be a lion here is my referral link See leoglossary for the terms used within this article.

Also don’t forget in contributing to the pHBD-USDC pool, and from statistics it looks like we will be able to archive the set target in a few months, let’s do our own part in h growing the pHBD-USDC liquidity and also take out time to participate in the Leo power up challenge which happens every 15th of each month.

Let’s also connect on some of the web2 platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
