Skyward Ambitions: The Power of a Chopper and a Dream


Greetings, Hive tribe!

Have you ever found yourself wide awake in the middle of the night, the gears of your mind turning relentlessly? That's a common occurrence for me. My thoughts, however, consistently converge on a rather unique fixation: a helicopter.🚁

Hold on, don't jump to conclusions just yet. I'm not nurturing some eccentric whim to explore the skies. The helicopter symbolizes something far more significant to me - the potential to reach the remote corners of our world, delivering life's essentials to those dwelling in secluded sitios.

Lofty aspiration, isn't it? A helicopter isn't a commodity you can easily acquire, certainly not from your neighborhood grocery store. They come with a hefty price tag, the primary obstacle to this dream. But life has taught me one thing: where there's resolve, there's always a path.


Can we make this dream a reality? Acquiring a helicopter in the future? Honestly, the answer eludes me. But, what's unequivocally clear is the beacon of hope lighting up my path. Hope propels us, driving us to tirelessly strive and relentlessly pursue. If Hive rockets to the stratosphere, metaphorically speaking, and my Hive accumulation has been fruitful, the dream of owning a helicopter may no longer be a dream.

The blueprint for this ambition? I'm laser-focused on amassing as much Hive as humanly possible. Hive's unparalleled sense of community has been a revelation, and I firmly believe in the transformative power of our collective effort.

Why this fixation on a helicopter? This isn't about fulfilling a personal ambition. As a member of the Members Church of God International (MCGI), our calling is to extend our support, particularly to indigenous Filipino communities nestled in the mountains. A helicopter would revolutionize our ability to reach and assist these isolated folks.

This endeavor transcends the helicopter - it's about the transformative potential a helicopter holds for the people in the sitios. It's about creating a tangible difference in the lives of people who are, all too often, on the fringes of society. It's about using the blessings I've been bestowed with to help others in a profound way.


I find my motivation in the MCGI's relentless pursuit to uplift and support. Witnessing the ripple effect of our actions inspires me, a feeling I aspire to amplify and share far and wide. My dream is to live in a world where no individual, no matter how remote their location, is unreachable, and no sitio is too secluded for our assistance.

So, here I am, reaching for the skies with my aspirations, quite literally.

What does the future have in store? Perhaps, one day, you'll spot a helicopter cutting across the sky, heading towards a distant sitio. And when that happens, remember, it's a testament to the collective spirit and effort of this extraordinary community.

Until that day arrives, I'll continue to dream, continue to strive, and continue to hold onto hope. After all, why limit ourselves when we have the sky to reach for?

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


What a beautiful dream, I hope you can reach many places taking provision and word, many blessings.


That's great humanitarian support rendered to people far of reach and who really need support urgently. Thanks for showing that commitment.


I just pray for you that your dreams came true. Hope for the best and never lose hope.


Great idea but as you said. Very expensive idea. The helicopter itself costs a lot of money. Training, upkeep, and fuel a whole lot more money. Then there is that fact you need a suitable landing site wherever you go with it.

Love the idea for some communities but if I had to change gears just a little bit?

I'd consider an industrial drone like this one :

Sure its really expensive at over $20,000 but it can lift 100lbs so it can at least get medical supplies and some basic items to remote areas. It is rechargeable so low fuel costs. Lands anywhere so no landing strip needed. Doesn't have a pilot so no expensive pilot and training.

Just remember, pray first. If its part of God's plan nothing is impossible. If its not part of God's plan no amount of work on your side will ever make it work!


The love MCGI has shown to the people is beyond doubt, soon the dream will be a reality.
