Convincing your loved ones to join your religion — is it biblical? MCGI Topic Review


Religion is a deeply personal subject, and it can be both rewarding and challenging to share our beliefs with loved ones. It’s a topic that involves our deepest convictions, our understanding of the world, and our hopes for the afterlife. Naturally, when we believe we've found the truth, we want to share it with the people we care about most.

In my upcoming blog post, I will be discussing the topic of 'Convincing your loved ones to join your religion - Is it biblical?' This is a question that many of us struggle with. Is it an act of love to share our beliefs and try to convince others to join us? Or is it an act of coercion that should be avoided? And importantly, what does the Bible say about this?

We will explore the teachings of the Bible, the example set by the Apostle Paul, and the importance of being certain of our own beliefs before trying to convince others. We will also discuss the role of love and the desire for the salvation of our loved ones in our efforts to share our faith.

Sharing our faith is an act of love, but it must be done with care, respect, and a deep understanding of our own beliefs. It’s about sharing the good things that God has to offer and helping others to find the truth that leads to salvation. But it’s also about recognizing the importance of being certain of our own beliefs and not being used as an instrument of deception.

I invite you to join me in exploring this important topic. Together, let’s seek to understand the biblical perspective on sharing our faith with our loved ones and the role of love and certainty in our efforts to share the truth.

Looking forward to engaging with you on this important topic.

"If you are a Christian and have found the true religion, you must exert all effort to convince everybody — not only your loved ones."

Brother Eli Soriano shares this in our new upload. But what are the biblical ways to consider to convince your loved ones to join your religion? Find out in our latest topic.

If you're interested in earning upvotes by sharing your personal insights on what you've learned from the videos, feel free to create a reaction post based on your understanding of Brother Eli's explanations. We'll review your post in MCGI Cares community, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us on WhatsApp at +971523490523. May God bless you!

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


Sharing our beliefs about Christ is the best way to show them love. If you found salvation, it cannot be found somewhere else, so you can show them the right way.


Preaching the gospel is the best idea. Brother Eli Soriano is really doing a right job. More grace


It's the great commission right? I struggle with this, not that I'm not secure and confident in my faith, but rather....the feeling that I'm forcing it on others. It's a choice, God gave us free will and He wants us to choose Him. I agree, it's so important and must be done with respect.


We have to remember that we as the flesh can change no one. Only the Holy Spirit can. But we have a God given duty to plant the Gospel seeds in our loved ones and anyone else who cares to listen.
Then we water the seeds with prayer and the Lord will in his time do the work.


There is nothing wrong teaching your love one about our religion because even God gave us the mandate to go to the world and preach the gospel, but we should try not to force them into serving God. God should only be serve and worship willingly.
