SOE Tutorial # 4 : Focus Keyword in Meta Description


We have previously discussed writing the post and then after writing the post you have to chose the right focus keywords in order to optimize your content.

When you are writing content about a specific topic, to decide whether the target you have selected is good and whether there is any traffic on that keyword, you need all the assistance you can obtain.

And then there is a SEO title for your post decides whether a reader want to stay longer on your page or wants to move to other blog post quickly. This is why a well written title post is important to grab the interest of the reader. But this is on the end of readers.

Meta Description

A meta description tag generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. They are like a pitch that convince the user that the page is exactly what they're looking for.

Meta desciption is your post summary that can show in search engine results. Meta desciptions let users have an idea what the post is about encouraging them to click through.

Meta description gives search engines a glimpse of what your post is about helping them make ranking decisions. Adding your primary focus keyword in the SEO desription may help you in better rankings and better traffic.

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Learn More:

SEO Tutorial | Writing the Post
SEO Tutorial # 1 : Choosing Focus Keywords
SEO Tutorial #2 : Which Keyword to Target

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