RE: Custodial Comforts in Crypto Can Be Dangerous


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Most of us would have been tried to be tricked with these tactics.
I received a call someone claiming to be from Visa and asked me to confirm my details so that they and enable extra security otherwise my card will be blocked.
I asked them to block it and told them I will talk to my local branch if I have any issue instead of talking to strangers on the phone.
They are so smart that they can even hack the bank’s phone number and you will see a call being coming form the actual bank number.
That’s scary 😟


WOw that is really scary and well done on calling them out on their bullshit. I am the same, I also got a call like that and they like we dont do this stuff in the branch because of COVID and I was like okay thats fine, then i'm going to go into the branch and cancel my account and close it thank you have a nice day but I dont give my info out over the phone

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