Homemade bread !

They say that the most beautiful smells turn into pictures and are remembered the longest. Is there anything more beautiful than the smell of homemade bread - parents' home, loved ones, childhood pictures, carefree, growing up.This morning I baked again the dmaci bread that I kneaded and shaped the night before.
It is beautiful, soft and the whole house smells.hleb.png
Our dizzying and casual rushes to the bakeries became very tiring. On the one hand, an abundance of the most diverse types of bread, and on the other, neither taste nor smell. There are no good memories, How did the homemade bread smell?Screenshot_9.png
My husband bought homemade cream and young cheese, oh what a good breakfast it was, with warm homemade breadggg.png


MMMM I can smell it just looking at that picture of the bread. Reminds me of my grandmothers house in Portugal when I was growing up. She had a wood stove in the kitchen so she can make her breads, even sweetbreads. I miss those days. And my mother too. Now both are not around anymore so the smells have gone with them. But every once in a while I try to make a food my mother used to make us when growing up in Portugal.
