Worrying brings confusion, Planning provides solution.


Worrying is not a problem solver. Nobody has ever made any good achievement through worrying, so if you think yours will be different, the you better rethink again.


Never waste your energy overthinking or worrying. Yes you have a problem so are others also, don't make it look as if the world is about to end.

You don't have money to pay your bills, your rent has expired? It is not time to worry, plan a way out. You have to sit down and plan on how to get month, come up with great ideas, what kind of people can you meet for assistance? Is there a business you can start now? Can I find a genuine investment with good profit? Is there anyone owning you or promised to give you money? This are the questions that should come to your mind instead of worrying.

Worry would always bring confusion, while planning carves out solutions for you. It is easier to just worry about your problems, but it is not the best thing to do. Planning is only what can deliver you from your problems, it gives you options that will give you the right solutions.

Don't bring confusion to yourself by worrying, rather bring solution with planning.


They say the earth was called a planet because God planned before he created it.
