

There lived in north Africa,a young boy named Androcles. His master was a cruel man. He made him work the whole day but did not give him enough food to eat. Though Androcles always obeyed the orders of his master yet the master often beat him Androcles decided to run away from his master's house.
One night when everyone was asleep, Androcles ran away from the house. He kept running till he reached a forest. He was tired and sat down under a tree. Suddenly,he heard a Lion's roar. The lion was coming towards him,he was frightened.Androcles was sure that the lion would kill him. Androcles closed his eyes and waited for his death. But the lion did not harm him. He stood there groaning and licking his paw.
Androcles gave a thought and approach the lion. He saw blood on the Lion's paw. He found a big thorn in the lion paw. Gently ,he took out the thorn and cleaned the wound.
The lion went away into the forest happily.
After two years,the Roman soldiers saw Androcles in the forest. They arrested him and brought him to Rome.
The custom in Rome those days was to punish slaves severely one of the punishments was to force the slaves to fight with wild animals.The cruel Romans enjoyed watching the fight.
Androcles was brought to a big stadium to fight with a hungry lion. A huge crowd gathered there to watch the cruel sport.Androcles thought that this would be his last day,he stood in the middle of the stadium waiting for the lion. The lion was brought in a cage and kept a little away from Androcles,as soon as the cage was opened the lion rushed towards Androcles.
The crowd cheered and waited for the fight. The lion reaches Androcles , smelt him and started to lick his feet . Only then did Androcles realize that the lion was the same one whom he had helped in the forest. The crowd was stunned to see the scene. They thought that the lion would kill Androcles in no time.But what a reward Androcles got from the lion! it was unbelievable. Androcles then jumped on the lion and began to play with him.The Roman Emperor,who was watching this,sent Androcles.He narrated the whole story to the Emperor.
The Emperor was so touched by Androcles kindness to animals that he rewarded him with money and gave him freedom. Androcles was no longer a slave but a free man

Moral lessons:It pays to be nice,no help is too small
