Hive Mass Adoption Campaign, Let's promote Hive together friends

Hey guys!

It's a good thing you stopped by my blog today because I've got great news, before I proceed, you all will agree with me on how Web 3 and Hive particularly has been changing lives and continues to be an amazing platform, very educational also packed with fun, there is nothing web2 has to offer that the blockchain has not provided it all, for YouTube, we've got 3speak, X Twitter, there is Leothread and for Facebook, hive blogging platform that is even better is available. in addition we've got the gaming side of the blockchain, how awesome, to crown it all, all are monetize. With all these amazing benefits, one would think that hive would be overpopulated by now, but sadly I think most population is still not aware or disbelieving something truly awesome as this exists. The reason why the leofinance community took it upon themselves in collaboration with Zealy to create a mass adoption campaign, to help bring more web2 users and investors into the hive blockchain. With more activities here, and investors, our hive would also experience significant growth.

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Who are the better people to promote Hive if not us the active users, so far we've only got 200 Hivians on the leadership board of the Zealy quest, when we've got about 10k users. Are you reading this blog and wondering what zealy is all about, in one word, zealy is fun, so far since we started the hive adoption campaign in the last 21 days, the most quest has been about threading on Leothread, creating awareness post just like this very one, following influencers on X Twitter, set a reminder on X space and also attending X space events which have been super cool and informative, so you see, you've been missing out on the fun so far.

Screenshot_20231002-044115.jpgscreenshot from zealy page

That is not the end of It, there is a 5000HBD pool prize for 30% of those who participated and gained up to 2000xp, currently 1500 HBD for the month of September, it's not too late for you to join as the October quest is about to kick start, I've got you covered, just follow this link and register to be a part also start gaining those xps, did I mention that there are delegation prizes as well in Leo and hp, for the top 30 on the leadership board, isn't that amazing? You know it is, so be a part.

Don't waste time, tell a friend to tell a friend, let's spread Hive goodness to the world around us, everyone deserves to know about Hive, reach out to your friends and family, your web2 friends, let's get them onboarded to hive.

@monica-ene @amiegeoffrey @seunruth my needlework sisters, let me specially invite you to be a part of Zealy if you haven't, it promises to be of great benefits, and you all are great authors who deserve to be a part of the moving thread in the Hive mass adoption campaign, I trust you all to make the right choice.

Register now 😊

Thank you for reading, see you on Zealy❤❤

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 176 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


acknowledged Dee, thanks for the invite.
