Dreemport Treasure Hunt! 100$ win, "DO YOU KNOW THAT DREEMER"


Oh dear! It's already the last phase of the Dreemport marathon which has been on for two weeks and some days now, so much fun it feels like we only started yesterday, I'm glad I joined early on and didn't miss out on the fun this time and my team, team flash has been amazing through this race, irrespective of our very busy schedule, making sure we complete every task.

Blue and Red Cute Pirate Birthday Party Invitation Your Story.png
image edited using canva.

The Marathon has been an opener and great help to most of us both newbies and oldies, connecting us together, making new hive friends and reaching out more to more rivers than we ever thought was possible within this short while and that is something we should be proud of and also try our best to continue in this form, marathon or not, lets not forget the aim of this marathon, we should continue to be a helping hand to someone on the block chain., especially newbies.

So far,so good we've had different challenge posts, and yet again we have been given another interesting one though a bit tasking, what can I say, it's all about catching fun, rounding up the challenge before. D-Day if the treasure hunt, we are asked to come up with a game suggestion/ ideas for the upcoming treasure hunt, and the price at stake is a $100.

Well my suggestion is for us to play a game I title "Do you know that dreamer"
How does it sounds? You can tell me in the comment section, don't worry, haha.

Since so far we've been curating each others post on dreemport, as part of our challenge, each member participating in the game should be given a chance to ask about an author that wrote something that fascinated him or her, asking about your post us permitted too and whoever gets the answer right wins a percentage of the $100 based on the total numbers of participant present.

It might a bit tricky playing this game, the aim is to be sure we payed details to each others post and not just scanning through, with this game, and it will be fun to see fellow authors who kept you at heart after reading your post. That's all I could come up with, hoping you all like this Idea of mine.

This post is in response to the Dreemport newbie marathon challenge. Thank you for reading.❤❤


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 165 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


hahahaha I love this idea!!! and I really think i'll have to try to incorporate something like this for the next time!!! hehehehe

It's a little bit late for me to collect questions on people right now - but hmmm you have my mind churning now for something! hahahaha

great job coming up with this idea!! and I LOVE THAT IMAGE THAT YOU CREATED!!!! it seriously made me smile so much!!!!!!! hahahaha


🥰 haha I'm glad you love my idea, yea, it will be fun to incorporate this idea next time, looking forward.

It's an honour to have you stop by and also leave a smile on your face.



may I use your image that you created in my upcoming post? hehe


This is a really fun way for Dreemers to connect and to find out just how much we've learnt form each other so I really love this idea of yours, Glory. Lots of !luv


Hehe, this do you know that dreemer game will be fun. Let's people know the true readers, lol
