We have limited time!


Life is but fickle, one day, we will need the company of others same way we needed the company of people while we were transiting from babies to adults. I know we all want to be big and maybe prove a point to others but at the end of the day, what is our gaining trying to bring down others just for our benefit?

Why so much hatred, so much malice, so much envy, so much resentment, so much selfishness for things that will not go with us to the grave, when we all die, this material wealth we are all trying to harness selfishly and without a second thought about the other person is not going to go with us to grave.

Some of us are all after what we can get to ourselves and as a result we end you treating people that we meet or who come around us badly. We forget that this world is small as such, we don't know where we will meet each other again.


Be kind to everyone and do good deeds, we have limited time on earth and don't know where and when we will need the help of those people we think can not help us now. Just because we are in a big position above others doesn't mean we have the right to treat them badly irrespective of our power.

Our power, influence, position, and wealth aren't supposed to be used to treat people like cabbage but they are supposed to be used to help those we can help. Some people are down there not because they are not working so hard or because they are lazy but because sometimes life really happens.

We will leave this earth one day, we will need the help of others, surely nobody is an island, so be easy on people your path crosses, it is tough out here, so try not to add to someone's problem because you do not have an idea how they are scaling through.

We have limited time so, instead of using that limited time to be selfish and greedy or to gather up hatred, resentment, envy, malic, and the other vile characteristics for ourselves, let's learn to use that time to do good to people we know we can be of help to them.
