The healing is our responsibility



Someone once said, "The person who defecates in the bush and leaves it uncovered may never remember after a while that he once defecated in that particular place but the person who mistakenly steps on it will always remember every time they get to pass that particular place and they will always remember the exact place he stepped on a poo."

In essence, it means that the person who hurt us may or may not remember what they did and how they hurt us but we the victims will always remember that we were once hurt and the face of the person who hurt us any time we come in contact with us. So, I get it if we don't forget in a hurry especially if the hurt kept a visible scar behind reminding us of that fateful day.

Many of us are still holding back the pains of our past, especially the ones caused by another person, I mean it is okay to feel the pain and reminisce about the hurt, and the pains you went through during those periods but it is better for us if we move on from our past.

It is better if we move on and heal from the hurt, the pains, the struggles, and the challenges we've been through because healing is the best thing we can give to ourselves after such pains and the scars left behind.

It's okay to feel the pain, it's okay to shed tears when we remember the hurt, but do not forget that the pain wasn't our fault, but the healing is our responsibility. Let's learn to heal, not just for our today but for our tomorrow, for our future, for our happiness, for our freedom, and for everything we would love to be now and see ourselves be in the future. It is our responsibility to heal from the hurt, and pains we went through, so we can enjoy everything and everyone, life we bring our way or present to us. Our healing is our responsibility and whatever we do with our pain can either make or destroy our future.


Our healing is our responsibility and whatever we do with our pain can either make or destroy our future.

that is true, no matter how many support you get, nor how many motivational quote you read, without your willing to move on, the healing will never happen. You are the one that can help your self.
