Let Them Talk


Why do we care about what people think about us, we have to learn one thing in life, we can not love everybody and appreciate everybody and it goes both ways.

A songwriter once said, "If nobody talks about you, then you are nobody, whether na good or na bad." Let them talk, people will always talk, and we can not stop people from talking about us because we are living.

Let them talk, we can not stop them from talking, we can only do our part and that is making sure that our conscience is alive and directs us rightly.

If you don't learn that now, you are gonna learn it the hard way because you will always be the fool of somebody. Live your life to the fullest, do whatever you wish to, and do everything you are doing moderately as long as you don't hurt anybody and you are happy doing what you do, let them talk.


Allow them to talk, give them the stage and the microphone to speak out their minds without restraint. Give them the floor to talk, it is their choice to talk and it is their mouth to talk.

Don't give them the privilege of explaining, don't stress yourself about that, don't explain yourself to them, allow them to talk, it is their mouth as long as it is not what you are doing and you are not hurting anyone doing that.

Allow them to talk, but don't let what they are talking about be true, you can't please everyone by trying to do what they say, many are just talking because they want to talk not because what they are saying is relevant or can in any way help you grow. Don't shrink if they talk, don't act cold if they talk, just be you and mind your business while they help you mind your business.
