Keep Moving Forward


Life will bring to us every form of trash, we will fight different kinds of battles, our mental well-being will be interfered with, and we will at a point experience loss, hatred, rejection, betrayal, bitterness, shame, regret, guilt, and pain but we should just know in everything we go through or anyone we meet, the goal is to keep moving forward.

It's never going to be easy, like they say, "nothing good comes easy" but notwithstanding, keep moving. If it means crawling if that is what it will take to keep moving, just do that.

Take a break if you have to, crawl if you have to, you can as well do one step at a time, and that's fine as long as you don't stop moving forward.


Focus, persevere, be patient, and at all times, let God be the lead because with him you are going to be able to make the right decisions. It is not until you fall that you eventually understand that you have what it takes to keep moving. The truth is we all have what it takes to keep moving forward. It doesn't have to be at anyone's pace, you don't have to rush with anyone.

As long as it is your pace and you are moving, that is all that matters. It is not going to be in a rush, don't try walking at others' pace, don't try competing with others, just do it at your pace and time but keep moving forward.

A time will come when it will feel like the challenges are so many and it is causing us to stagnancy but don't let it bother you, don't try to figure it out, don't look at it from a failure perspective, don't let it hinder your movement, don't let it keep you from moving forward because one day you will look back and be glad you didn't at any point of your emotional breakdown stop moving.
