Have got miracles


As I sat down on my bed in my room thinking about what to write today, I realized that for some time now, I haven't been loud about the miracles God had shown to me. So unthoughtful and ingratitude of me to only think and question Him about the challenges and struggles I keep facing daily but forgetting that every day of my living existence, God has shown love, his faithfulness, his mercies, his kindness, his graciousness even when I do not deserve it and show my gratitude.

Many times I have walked and come out with so much doubt and low self-esteem with a feeling of failure but every time he shows himself as God and proves to me countless times that it is not in my place to do the worrying.


I remember starting the year with doubt about how I was going to pull through, how I was going to scale, how I was going to keep standing strong even faced with so much, and how I was going to solve these issues and carry myself and erasing him out of the picture not because I don't remember that He exists but because so many times I have been disappointed and betrayed by Humans, so by virtue, I have extended my hurt to him but again, yet another time, He reminds me of his love for me.

We are not even in the second month of the year, and it feels like my prayers were actually answered even before I started the new year with that thought, as he knew already my plans for my life and that of my family.

I have got miracles, upon miracle, little miracles that even if j intend to count them out, I wouldn't be able to finish counting them. I have got miracles on miracles and counting them will take years to finish counting if I have to start counting. My miracles are little but too numerous to count. Count your blessings, name them one by one, if you can and you will be surprised by what God has done for our lives.
