Different Strokes for Different people


The hot takes on social media about what is right and what is wrong especially when it comes to marriage made many have a second thought about the type of men and women that are out there and fear of what marriage actually entails.

The war between what a married man is supposed to do and not do and what a married woman is supposed to do and not do has caused many to have a second thought and I ask myself who made these rules. We all agree that even two twins have different personalities and are likely to think and act differently, due to their experiences in life, so why then do we now think that two different men from different backgrounds and homes would likely act the same, why do we now feel like different women from different homes, with different cultures and training, would want to act the same way in their marriages.

Marriage is an institution where nobody gets the certificate, everyone learns, unform, and reforms to suit themselves and their partners for the same goal which is to make the home a happy place. Everyone doesn't necessarily have to think the same way and what works for Mr.&Mrs.A may likely not work for Mr.&Mrs.B and that is why we must marry because of love not solely because of procreation and wealth. Both couples are supposed to act like kids with each other.


Love makes the partner think about everything he or she does, so it does not hurt the second party which might likely end up destroying their home. In marriage, there is no same manual for two different people, study your partners and know what works for them and how to keep them loving you, don't go out there looking for advice from someone else and instill it in your own home, it may destroy it because that person isn't leaving in that house and with them

The place of advice isn't eradicated on this post, but sieve what you hear, and see before you decide to bring it to your home, so you don't end up destroying your homes with your hands. And Marrying a partner who is violent and doesn't respect you is also a Big NO, don't settle for a partner who wouldn't come to your rescue, one who wouldn't wear their heart on their sleeves for you, a partner who isn't ready to adjust in cases where their is room for adjustment and one who isn't considerate and understand both your spoken, unspoken words and body language. One who doesn't see.

Know that marriage entails a lot and it is different strokes for different people, every Mallam with his own kettle. Know what works for you and your partner and stick to it, marriage is supposed to be enjoyed whether in plenty or in small, and not endured because he or she does not want to be divorced.
