WEEK 152: Famous or not

Greetings for the weekend and starting this new beginning of the days of enjoyment and rest; once again I join this magnificent proposal from the hand of @galenkp who frequently motivates us with his series of very interesting questions and yes, I was tempted to answer several because they are all very good, but in the end I chose only one, so here I go with my answer.

Famous or not
Would you like to be famous or not? Make a choice and explain why.

Being famous is a very tempting proposition for many; however, I wouldn't think twice about turning it down, since being a famous person leads to having a very busy social life due to the fulfillment of so many commitments, plus there are few possibilities to keep secret the personal and family activities you wish to do, so there is no guarantee of privacy at all.

The mere thought of being a famous person, makes my skin crawl, just by imagining that I have to take pictures with many people when I go shopping, go for a walk, in a restaurant or just peeking my face at the door of my home and the first thing I see is the flash in my eyes leaving me blind from so many photographs by journalists and if I go out anywhere I would be disguised so that they do not recognize me, But even so there is always an audacious journalist who discovers me and chases me everywhere to capture the images of my ridiculous costume that I was forced to use to go unnoticed, but that still did not help because in the end my famous personality was revealed.

I really don't see myself running to avoid people because not every day you want to be surrounded by so many people, having to deal with the unhealthy comments, the rumors of the press that in certain occasions affirm and are nothing more than suppositions, not having a personal life because being famous is to owe the public and no, I simply don't see myself in those situations.

There is nothing better than being free, no matter what society does not see as an important person, what really matters is what I feel, what I want and how I want it in my own space, being myself, without having eyes everywhere that may be looking at everything I do nor judging my actions.

Being happy for me is the most important thing, without anyone telling me how to do it, I do not allow anyone to rob me of the peace that I have worked so hard to get, to lose it because of a life that would be mine, wanting to be famous, not even for one day I want to experience that life, just thinking about it, stresses me enormously and ultimately being famous has never been among my plans, so I leave it to those who have the courage to risk living in a constant mega marathon roller coaster.

Contenido 100% original de @giocondina /100% contenido original de @giocondina

The pictures were taken from my cell phone using the Snapchat application.

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When you are a famous person you lose your privacy and peace of mind, I would just like to have the money of famous people hahaha.


I love how you went about to defend your point,,is really good to be famous
