

Day or night, an earthquake lurks, seeking your life and terrifying everyone. Only those who have experienced it know that there is no refuge. Whenever one is flying, they want to land, but when the earth moves, they want to fly, because the robe is death, the house a danger, the street opens up and swallows you.

Trees and facility poles fall, everything collapses. There is no escape and no way to anticipate it. For two reasons: there is no technology, and we don't pay attention to emergency announcements because we were made for peace, not for war, and to be in permanent tension.


That's why in such areas, it is necessary to have a plan. Additionally, it is said that earthquakes are waiting for their moment, so it is not known exactly where they will occur. That's why it kills so many people; there is no data on what happens underground.

Taking measures from a meeting place serves for all emergencies. Also, what to do in the case of hospitalization or death? This way, there are no conscience problems by respecting the will.

This is very valuable; discussing it with parents while they are still sane so they can decide. It's not easy, but it helps to be very organized even in these cases because those who prepare pass through it better, and there is a higher chance of survival.

These cases require great courage and bravery. Earthquakes, earthquake, earthquake.
