The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Weed, Seed, And Feed-a-rama!



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Now that our daughter's graduation festivities are over, I am playing catch up in a major way!


This year we have had unseasonably warm and humid weather very early, and the weeds have responded enthusiastically. One nice thing is that I used weed barrier fabric for the market flower garden part of things, so the weeds there are beyond manageable.


In the main garden things are a bit more, er,...jungle-y.

Which is why I don't recommend being stricken with a three week viral lung infection right in the midst of planting season. Well, I don't think I would ever recommend such a thing, especially on top of having to engage in graduation season as well. Yee.

Anyway, this morning I flopped out of bed and got right to work, I transplanted all my pepper starts into the greenhouse beds, I transplanted a clematis that I started last year, I helped the hubs install the drip irrigation into the last three beds, and I pulled all the weeds out of the amaranth and grasses bed.

That was all before breakfast.

Then I really got cracking.

Did I mention it is beyond incredibly humid out today?

And due to that climatic state, I resembled an extra in a jungle expedition movie. Let's just say I added a prodigious amount of salt to my bowl of homemade dirty rice just a bit ago.


Anyway, after breaky, I sowed a couple hundred Pro-cut sunflowers, weeded the broom corn, starflowers, nigella, and sweet peas, and sketched out tomorrow's last sowing of bush beans and corn plan.


Of course I had company while trying to do work. Teela and Peaches both kept me company. T-T was more than a bit helpful while I was trying to sow the sunflowers, she engaged full look ma, remember when you had toddlers trying to help you when you planted things cattitude. Sigh.

But eventually after many removals and scratches, she gave up and just stretched out on the landscape barrier.


Peaches was a bit more sedate, probably because she has a large amount of floof and it was eleventy billion degrees out. Peach just chilled out in the first successions of sunnies.


While I was grabbing a bucket off of Mount Horse Poo-post, a gleam of shining whiteness caught my eye. In the middle of the horse paddock there is a patch of volunteer horseradish. It's been there for decades. What struck my curiosity was there was an albino leaf right in the middle of the lush, very electric green plant.

I love random things!


And that leave was beyond devoid of color!

But, as I had a ton of work still to do, I grabbed my compost and got back to work, but you can bet I was pondering that nature anomaly.

I was also contemplating the big ol handful of garlic scapes I had cut that morning. They made a delightful garnish on my early dinner of homemade dirty rice.


And now, as I have been hard at it in the warm and sweaty sun for many, many hours, well, I am going to take a serious siesta.

Because tomorrow, well, tomorrow I get to be right back out there doing much the same again!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's delightfully accessorized in compost crumbs and grasshopper thumbs iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


Weeds love humidity don't they? And so does the garden - though yeah you need a machete to get through it sometimes! That sole white leaf is CRAZY! I wonder why that happens?


They so do! I’ve gotta tackle the big ones this morning and I’m contemplating wearing a rain poncho for the expedition😁.

And you are so right about the random white leaf being crazy! It was so devoid of color, it was like someone stuck a syringe in the poor thing and withdrew all pigment. Wild! I’m hoping there’s someone with a botanical background lurking round these parts who knows about such things and enlightens us all,because I’m beyond curious about it too!



After spending two days with my daughter and granddaughter, and not getting much sleep, I was pleased to be at home this morning where I can tend the garden. Hubby got some tilling done yesterday, and I tackled the weeds in the rows. Due to my failed seedling-sheltering experiment, most of my squash starts are dead. I have direct seeded replacements in the garden, hoping they still have time to do their thing.

Your flowers seem to be coming up nicely! How could we ever get anything done without feline supervisors?


My garlic scapes have started too. And weeds everywhere in the flower beds.


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