RE: The #critique still stands. The #DHF probably shouldn't fund stuff like this at ...


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HW and it's lackeys need to be checked hard.

How about them wrongful revenge black list reports that were just rubber-stamped.

Let's blacklist innocent members and blacklist them over made up allegations maliciously submitted multiple times!

How many times have these idiot actors screwed up?

Hive has been centralized beyond belief.

This is incredible hypocrisy.

There should be a hive council. Those that screw up come in. Have a conversation. If they can follow the rules that they agreed to? Cool. Move on. The big issues need to be dealt with by the community as needed. What ever that may be.

Not everything deserves blacklisting and all this drama.

Ocd and the rest of the crazies already been running off the community. Then you got idiots like HW... Oh wait that is a SINGLE person hiding behind this account And clearly exceeding the authority of the position.

Oh and it certainly don't need to be apart of all this. A single centralized idiot running people off as fast as OCD does and destroying our community?

Yeah. There isn't much left here. You can't start a community and survive now from the bottom you have to apply for "sponsorship" aka follow the ocd rules for any support.


Where is the vote button to vote against these projects getting funded. How about demanding that the HW and it's SNITCHES that lied and befriended others to get information to put in wrongful reports for PAY?

Yeah. Hive Pakistan and dlmmbq? Oh yeah that's hive watcher little snitch and backstabber that put in multiple wrongful reports on me and even my friend.
