My two types of effort are not worth the results I get.

hello friends #hivelearners

When we choose what type of business is right for us to live, of course we have to think twice, because most people who decide to change professions from an office worker want to become entrepreneurs.
Indeed, if we notice many successful entrepreneurs after daring to make a decision, but do not be surprised, not necessarily when we make the decision can succeed like our friends.
I've heard an opinion on this subject, where there is a saying if you want to succeed you have to dare to step forward, don't hang on to one point
Behind the above sentence, I came to the conclusion that if we continue to survive at one point we will not be able to succeed.

thinking must be mature

I've been working in one of the leading companies in the city center for about eight years, at one point I thought my life was still ordinary, I didn't have any significant changes during my time working as an assistant manager at the company.
I have to change my life for the future to be successful.
How should I do it?
I have to think carefully about my life ahead, because I already have a wife and my eldest son.
When one day came to my mind about this, I tried to discuss with my wife to change my life to be successful for the future, if we continue like this, we will not be successful, just like this.After a few hours of discussion with my wife, a brilliant idea emerged in my opinion.
I want to be a successful farmer
I think this is a good idea, if we live in the village maybe the expenditure from the financial side decreases a bit, because if compared to us living in the city it is very far away, in the city we all have to spend a lot of money while in the village it is only a little for my financial expenses.
Usually in the village, maybe the price of basic commodities is still relatively cheap, unlike living in a city, we all have to buy.

decisions I took

After I discussed with my wife, I finally took the stand to settle in the village, maybe people say this is a stupid idea that I took, but I want to prove to people out there that with farming I believe I can succeed.
In the village I have a few hectares of garden left by my parents, I think there is nothing wrong with me wanting to clean it again.
If we want to become a successful farmer, of course we must prepare the basic capital first, because without any capital we cannot do.
As long as I worked as an assistant manager I had a little savings money, this savings money is what I use for my basic capital as a farmer.
There are several types of businesses in agriculture that I am involved in and understand are coffee farmers and young chili plants.
To start this business, I have to prepare capital of around USD 1500 or around RP 22 million.
I want to plant 5000 Batang coffee seedlings using a fence system.

My new struggle started from zero

Around 2016 I have settled in the village after I applied for risent in the company, I have to start from scratch again, I think this is the right decision for me to live at this time, finally I started to carry out my activities as a farmer, in the village that I live in now the air is very cold, this is very suitable for me to plant coffee trees, Indeed, in some areas identical coffee plants will thrive in areas where the temperature is below 16 degrees Celsius.
After I planted coffee in my field, I had to wait the next few years to get results from my coffee plants.
Usually at the age of planting until the harvest time of three years coffee plants will bear fruit, for three years waiting for the harvest of the coffee plants that I live, to survive those three years I also planted around 10000 thousand chili plants.
I thought I would succeed in the business I was running.

failure is the beginning of success

You must also dare to wait for the risks that will come to you, I must dare to accept the reality that is before my eyes.
At the time of harvesting my coffee plant, I think I will get a lot of results.right what people say, if you take the wrong step then you will fall into a very deep abyss.
Indeed, the results of my coffee plants can be classified as I managed to do, but I read in a magazine in 2019 the price of coffee beans plummeted, wow this is a disaster and catastrophe for me, I have to swallow a bitter pill with the attitude and decisions I take and I have to accept this risk.
Likewise, chili plants also do not have the price I expected, I failed miserably in my current farming business.

I have to rise from adversity

Being a successful person is not like turning the palm of the hand, there are many obstacles and obstacles that come our way, one of the points that I take in the problems I am facing today is that I have to be patient with the current situation.
effort will never betray results
I will continue to fight to maintain my life even though for now I am in a slump, but I continue to try and try again, God willing, I will get what I aspired to before👐👐.

My message to all friends, dare to step up, so that you can taste success.

The experience that I can take in the two efforts that I have been involved in is that in making a decision it should not be rushed, I should think very carefully before I draw conclusions.
This is my experience that I run, hopefully in the future I can be more mature in this matter.
Thank you to everyone who has read my writing, hopefully friends are not like me.
greetings from me @furkanmamplam
