Me,my brother and my sister, they are always there

Hello #hivelearners friends wherever you are, I wish you always a good day.
wow.... Again, I have to tell you about a family, maybe I have a family that is not complete even though in the real world I have a father.
I can't actually tell this to all my friends in this community.
I am the second of five children, being the second child may have a tough task even though I still have the first brother.
Maybe a few days ago I already discussed a little bit about my family, but in relation to the topic of SIBLINGS
As it relates to the brothers held by the #hivelearners community in this Sunday's contest.I have to devote all here about the experiences I had with my brothers and sisters.I always tell my siblings that we must be able to survive even though we all only have a mother.

We have a father, but at the age of my oldest brother about 10 years my father suffered from mental illness, the illness suffered by my father maybe almost everyone did not want it to happen, inevitably out of the womb we had to accept freely even though the bitterness we felt when we were childhood we suffered a lot because only a mother guided us to grow up and mother too Must fight as hard as possible to raise her children, maybe at first glance it is their responsibility, but maybe in childhood we do not know how strong a mother who struggles to raise children without being accompanied by a father. 😭😭
If I think back to those times I immediately burst into tears, indeed it was during those times that we always supported each other.The days kept changing and we kept growing up and I along with my brothers and sisters had to help ease the burden on our mother.

You can imagine if exposed to a disease like this is very difficult to cure, my mother once told about the problems suffered by our mother when we were starting to grow up, my father had been repeatedly taken to a mental hospital (RSJ) but the disease he suffered did not heal, even though my mother had to spend a lot of money which was important my father recovered from this disease, At first my father was a trader who sold in one of the traditional markets, maybe in the trading side there were so many trials that had to be accepted when my father was still selling, I can't imagine how come there are people who don't like others?
Even though my father was a good person, and never did my father discuss bad things with people selling near his store.Indeed, in the days before the incident happened to my father, my father's merchandise was very effective and Alhamdulillah, we could together enjoy the results of a father's cries.


One day something very strange happened to our father, usually our father in the morning was getting ready to go to the market to open his shop, but this morning my father looked a little lazy to go to the market, my mother began to wonder what was going on with her husband?
For the first day maybe Ki's mother wasn't too worried about this, but the next day was still the same as yesterday felt by our father.
My mother began to be a little suspicious about her husband's attitude, our mother began to move to find out about our father's attitude, step by step she continued to do to treat our father, but did not recover either.
My mother started moving my bed to a different house behind us, because my father was already suffering from mental illness.What I really salute my mother is is that she did not divorce her husband even though his condition was no longer normal, instead our mother still took care of our father like other mothers who took good care of her husband.
Our mother was a great mother to us.

Various kinds of hobbies between the five of us
If we talk about the biological family, there is definitely no end, in addition to having different faces, of course we also have different hobbies.
Like me, I have hobbies like treveling, climbing, adventure and writing, while the oldest brother he has a hobby of farming, I think only the one that is covered by my oldest brother is a little strange, indeed if we think farming is good, but a little tiring, you oldest😀😀 brother
It is true what the saying says that the fruit falls not far from the tree.
One of my younger siblings has a hobby like what my father did which is trading, I am very happy with the hobby that is covered by my number three brother, trading is actually very good, we don't have to sweat a lot to sell his wares.
Because my sister struggles with body fragrance perfume.The number four brother has a hobby of wanting to become an official, although until now he can only serve as a village head, but for me my brother is very smart in overcoming all problems in the village, especially about the community.
Indeed, we are not easy to overcome so many people who have different opinions.but I salute my brother this he can cope well, until now he has been able to survive two terms in serving as village head.

Who doesn't love the last child, surely everyone wants to be born in the world with the last child, I myself want that😀 too
Although I had to give birth to a second child.
The last children all get more attention to him, I really spoil my sister on this one.
And my other brothers and sisters did the same to him.

The saddest thing in my life was when I parted from my mother, I couldn't help but tears kept streaming down my cheeks because on the day of my wedding 💒 there was the happiest day felt by many people but I didn't feel that, I felt sometimes God was not fair to our family, Only a mother can accompany me while I am celebrating my happy day.
I couldn't bear all of this, even though my brothers and sisters were beside me, I felt the loss of someone I loved so much, until death my father picked up the disease he felt did not heal, may he calm down there🤲

Thank you to everyone who has read my family story, I hope you are entertained.
Greetings from me @furkanmamplam
