Leo Magazine #31: Coinbase, Web3, Tokenization, DAO, Musk, the EU, CDBC, plus more!


Its time again to bring you the best of finance, crypto and money articles published in https://leofinance.io/. This is the Leo magazine #31. Sit back and enjoy the curated articles featured in this edition.


Tech-Oriented Passive Income Ideas for Startup Founders: by @jsalvage

Technology provides many opportunities for innovation and revenue generation, This publication looks at such opportunities available to all especially entrepreneurs. One such opportunity is creation of applications to solve world problems. Check how this could be turned into an income-generation opportunity. Read full article

BASE: Layer 2 Network of Coinbase | How to Add it on Metamask: by @ifarmgirl

Base, a blockchain from Coinbase is a secure layer2 framework which was designed to be cheaper than alternatives, but as secure as every other Ethereum framework. Learn how you can add the blockchain to your metamask wallet in this publication. Read full article


Mutual Fund vs. Stock Market: Knowing the differences and Making informed Investment Decisions: by @mgibson

Investment could really be risky especially if one is not really sure where they want to put their money. Stocks is different from mutual funds. Both can be instruments of financial diversification. This publication differentiates the two. Read full article

Gaming with Blockchain Technology: A New Era begins: by @mango-juice

One of the many industries to experience blockchain revolution is the gaming industry. Blockchain technology has transformed the gaming sector in terms of data privacy, assets ownership and rewards. Discover how far this revolution has gone! Read full article


Crypto Trading: Some Important TipsTo Note Before Starting.: by @luchyl

Crypto trading is one area of blockchain that could be tricky. Before one enters this domain, one needs to have a fundamental knowledge of some tools like crypto exchange platforms. Check this article and get useful tips to kick-off your crypto trading journey. Read full article

Splitting Chains: by @tarazkp

Paying attention to details is something you hear quite often. But is it always the right approach all the time? The author of this publication has a different view. For example, one could focus on the main components of a project and refine things later. This publication argues that its not always about details. Read full article


Decentralized autonomous organization:: it's benefits, purposes and disadvantages.: by @beauty197

Blockchain technology has brought a different style of management called Decentralized autonomous organization. One benefit of this is that it leverages the wisdom of the crowd in decision-making. There are still other huge benefits of this style of management. Find out here. Read full article

Xploring the Link: Elon Musk's X Rebranding and Cryptocurrency Speculations: by @sayu907

Twitter has been rebranded to X and there are speculations that Musk is up to something - such as launching a crypto token. Musk has said they are not launching any crypto, but could his words be taken serious? Details in this publication. Read full article


Real Estate Tokenization: Transforming Property Investing with Blockchain Technology: by @thorkellnft

The benefit of tokenization of real estate is huge. For one thing, it brings a lot of transparency in the sector. Again, it makes fractional ownership possible as investors can own tokens representing real world assets. This publication shows other benefits of tokenization in real estate. Read full article

Financial planning through portfolio management: by @bala41288

One of the things that could be done to manage a portfolio is to make a priority of invested assets. Investors can shuffle their assets and re-position their priority items based on market trends. Other things could be done in portfolio management according to this publication. Read full article


Web3, Giving an All Encompassing Warrant of Success to The Developing Nations.: by @davchi2

Developing nations have gained a lot from web3. This article shows how it has positively impacted economies. One thing mentioned is the creation of income opportunities. With unemployment soaring in most countries, web3 has created job opportunities. See more benefits here. Read full article

Cashless society: a Trojan horse for democracy and privacy: by @yecier

There have been much talks about various governments proposing their own CBDC. Just like the banks, CDBC's will afford the government more control over the financial activities in a country. In the name of going cashless, CDBC's will create an avenue for the government to steal more money from the financial system. Check this article for details. Read full article


Single currency package: EU Set To Debut Its Digital Euro: by @fexonice

The digital Euro might become a reality soon. Just like other efforts to control money by world governments, it could have benefits and setbacks. One of the benefits is that it could challenge the dominance of US dollar in the financial markets. Discover more inside this publication.. Read full article

Twitter Taking Accounts Shows Why Hive Is Crucial: by @taskmaster4450

Twitter could take your account any day if it feels like doing so. Already, some accounts have been seized. This is the height of censorship and there could be no end to it. Read this article and see why as a content creators, you should be building on the blockchain. Read full article


Should We Fight The A.I. Revolution?! The Creepy Reality of Personalized Ads and Virtual Girls...: by @acesontop

The debate about AI capabilities, benefits and risks continues. One cannot doubt the usefulness of AI in many sectors, but the debate about whether it can replace humans in the workspace continues. This article looks at trending AI issues. Read full article

Debt Profiling and Management of African nations.: by @sammyhive

Many African countries are in debt and some continues to get stuck deeper into debt. One reason is to provide funding for infrastructural projects. While this sounds great, there are other not too great reasons for Africa's spiraling debts. Find out. Read full article


Kindly go through the above publications and try to find one or more that you really like. Read them and make meaningful comments for the author. They would appreciate it. We can also talk about them in the comment section of this post.?

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@marajah, @ijelady, @peniel2010, @ksam, @princessbusayo, @rhozolive, @beauty197, @sammyhive, @katerinaramm, @justiceanietie, @luchyl, @iamnursejeff, @mazilicious247,

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


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Wow. What a wonderful promotional work done. Every post mentioned are worthy and needed engagement


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Its a great collection of articles and I will be reading some this weekend. thanks for the efforts


These are really great articles, @luchyl has highlighted key tips to a successful crypto trading journey
