Enjoying Life - Money Does Not Make You Happy - But A Lack Of It Can Make You Unhappy - IAAC #79


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Hi there and welcome to my vlog, my name is Erik Gustafsson and I go by the handle @flaxz on 3speak, CTPtalk and Hive.

Enjoying Life - Money Does Not Make You Happy - But A Lack Of It Can Make You Unhappy

In this video I about how money does not make you happy, but that a lack of sufficient enough money to cover your needs can make you unhappy.

I also link this to the I Am Alive ebook which is there to help onboard people to Hive and thereby also earn money.

Plus it also adds affiliate marketing, and one more income, by building an email list, and the tools for that is free to start and included in the ebook.

But these are tools that helps you make your passions and your goals in life a reality, what makes you happy and enjoy life.

We also got 1 more participant today, so it's now 91 participants in total.

I Am Alive - Day 79

It is now my day 79 for the #IAmAliveChallenge, and you can read how it started and how to join in this guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide.

This is all about celebrating that you are alive despite the hard times we now live in, and to share that with the world and the Hive blockchain, you are alive, and that matters.

We Are Alive!

Enjoy Watching The Video!

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Stay safe, awesome and alive!

Erik Gustafsson

My profile on PeakD

Credits For Music

Royalty Free Music from Bensound, track Hey!

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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Thanks for the mention, Erik...

And you said it right about money and happiness...

Money can't make you happy, but can help a bit... :)


Thanks Zoltan, yes that is correct, we have to find that ourselves, and a way to make it happen, stay awesome.



Money may not be able to buy happiness but it can rent it for a little while. lol

Being rich doesn't mean you are happy but being poor is much more stressful. Having enough money to pay your bills and do what you want seems to be the best for me anyway.


Thanks Mike, and yes that gives you the freedom to pursue your own happiness without being held back by a constant hunt for money to cover your basic needs, stay awesome.



In my experience I've found that without money, it's difficult to focus on enjoying your life. When at the end of the month you don't know how to feed your family, it can become the reason why you can't sleep. In such a situation happyness is quite out of reach.

What we earn here on hive is nice but as you say, it's difficult to earn a living in a developed country here. However we are at the very beginning of blockchain related income and I believe that it has much growth potential and maybe we are having a early starter advantage that will allow us to make a reasonable income here.

In the end happyness and money are not related. Happyness depends on how you look at the world and how you can appreciate what you have and what you are. This inner wisdom I blieve can't be bought with money ;-)


Thanks a lot Achim, and yes you are correct, we can't buy happiness, but enough money to not constantly hunt for enough to cover our basic needs gives us the opportunity to appreciate what we have and the freedom to focus on what we enjoy doing.

The great thing about Hive is that it gives you a great point to start earning money online while at the same time building your brand, if you then add affiliate marketing to that mix you have the building blocks you need to actually earn a full time income regardless of where you live, stay awesome.



You are totally right that Hive is not only a place to earn money posting content. If used wisely it is also an amazing tool to build your brand and to develop your list.
