#Leverage - Building Traffic Leverage And Grow Your List - Plus #2020vision Day +53


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#Leverage - Building Traffic Leverage And Grow Your List

So today I want to talk a bit about traffic leverage and why I think it's important.

As you know if you have followed my #2020vision surfing of 4 ads per day and my weekly schedule for it, Weekly Traffic Generation Planning, I use 1 traffic source per day to watch ads, though I do watch more than 4, even if I only share that number.

My thoughts behind this is to do the same amount of surfing each day to build my list and do that consistently over time, and by promoting the traffic sources in my posts also gain some referrals and thereby increasing the traffic and the number of subscribers to my list.

Now I will create an ebook for this strategy in the not too distant future and gain more referrals, hopefully.

But the point is I do get more subscribers to my list consistently and the vast majority stay subscribed, and they most likely want to stay since I use it regurlarly, and most weeks several times.

The point of surfing for traffic is not to stop doing it, but to do enough to keep it going and to do so consistently, while at the same time focus on building leverage through my list and from there a feedback loop to the traffic sources that will therefore generate more traffic without me using any more time surfing.

That is how I envision building traffic leverage, and I hope you agree with this point.

2020Vision Day +53

So I continue to watch 4 ads per day for my #2020vision, my form of creative pushups, and today I made that in ViralURL, and you can see my Weekly Schedule here.

2020vison was started by @pixiepost, and it's goal is to draw attention and awareness to the Hive blockchain and to promote health and the Actifit dApp, and you can see her announcement here.

Screenshots from my mobile watching 4 ads.





So that was my #2020vision for today.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

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My profile on CTPtalk

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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Reading this one now, very good and informative!! No doubt a one to look into folks!! Success!


Thanks a lot Sig, yeah if we try to do it all ourselves we might just get another job, stay awesome.
