PEPTEvent News #8 Bibi ignored intelligence prior to Oct 7 attack. That's #TooFuckeh


In the New York Times article we learn that intelligence information was communicated up the rank in file about a potential attack by Hamas. This occurred more than a year before Oct 7/23

The following interview is revealing and shows great courage by an Israeli soldier speaking out.


When you connect the dots you can't help but think of some reason why the attack unfolded as it did. It was not a complete surprised attack after all. Just as I suggested in an earlier blog. Here is the question. Was it part of a justification in a Bibi strategy? Maybe his strategy worked but his continued use of stupid tactics will lead to the destruction of Israel as a democratic state. You see, if your filled with hate and your house of cards is about to fall then yes, then a madman will continue with senseless killings. I think Bibi must accept responsibility and accept a cease fire. He tried to blame the IDF but, truth be known, the sinister plot is still unfolding. If you where USA and Bibi was your little brother, at what cost would you protect your little brother?

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#Luv and positive energy to all.


Well, it's miles understandable that you can have questions and issues about Bibi's political strategies. However, to say that his continued use of silly techniques will cause the destruction of Israel as a democratic country is a very strong declaration. It is critical to recollect that political choices are complicated and can have unpredictable results. It would be interesting to speak about this similarly and examine unique perspectives.



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to say that his continued use of silly techniques will cause the destruction of Israel as a democratic country is a very strong declaration.

I do believe Bibi has to go, they need a new government. I am surprised that USA is still providing unconditional support. The senseless killing cannot continue without some serious repercussions. As-Is is not a viable option for anyone. By International Criminal Court standards, Bibi is a war criminal.


I do believe Bibi has to go, they need a new government. I am surprised that USA is still providing unconditional support. The senseless killing cannot continue without some serious repercussions. As-Is is not a viable option for anyone. By International Criminal Court standards, Bibi is a war criminal.

You are very right.



It's amazing how it seem as if there's no common sense in this conflict. After years of going thru the same issues one would think that a agreement would have been reached. But the conflict continues and innocent lives on both sides suffer.
