HumpDayChartDay #11 and WOW! BTC changes direction

Welcome to week 11 of #HumpDayChartDay

Back at Home Base this week so I have access to faster internet service once again.

First we review our Weekly Bitcoin Guessing game.

This week I am guessing $32,134 as my #SWAG cause who really knows now days what bitcoin is going to do. SWAG means Scientific Wild Ass Guess.


Let's continue with the chart series.

#BTC swap continues to climb and I will have to adjust my scaling once again.

#bee is holding above the 0.40 Hive level. I have decided to take some profit out and move it around to some other tokens.

#alive decided to take a bump up this past week. Suspecting it is a short term bump so I may be unloading some tokens to move to another token.

#ctp is still trying to change direction but not showing a lot of strength upward. I am more likely to take money out than put in at this time.

#leo has started to level out after several weeks of rising. I have taken some money out and will likely continue to move funds to other tokens that should provide a higher short term gain while waiting to see if a resistance level is being created.

This past week I have started collecting more data on a few other tokens. Once I have established some confidence in the data I will introduce some new charts.

That's another week gone and our #pept philosophy to Learn Before You Earn continues. Earnings from this post contribute to wealth building for our traffic exchange community token on Hive. Subscribe to Project ePayTraffic community to collaborate and synergize online earning potentials.

Have an awesome #HumpDayChartDay

Disclaimer: You can do what you want with this information. It has nothing to do with me telling you what you should do with your own token holding. Your holding and trading activity is your decision. The purpose of sharing these charts is to give a perspective of perceived value based on trading data and to consider if there is alignment with deliverables associated with the purpose of a particular token.
