Earning ePay Tokens as a by-product of Having Fun #1

#PEPT introduced a Proof-of-Effort fun opportunity to earn some #ePay tokens and more.

I have a #Fun addiction that rewards me and it can now reward you as well. No need to spend money but you do have to expense a little bit of time.


The provided link is to a free signup on Surf 4 Fun Traffic Exchange (S4FTE). To learn more about effective use cases via exchanging traffic you are welcome to join our Project ePayTraffic traffic exchange community on Hive.

#ShowMySite Project ePayTraffic Hive Community

Today, you can join S4FTE and I will send you 100 ePay tokens to your Hive wallet. You will need to reply to this blog with your username so I can confirm and send you the tokens. You can include your own referral link in your reply. That way, someone can use your link to join and I will still give 100 tokens to the new member for joining, plus an additional 100 to you for your referring effort. You do not have to use my referral link to get free tokens. This is more about distribution of ePay tokens than me looking for signups.

If you are already a member of S4FTE I will still send you 100 tokens if you reply with your S4FTE username.

You may have already earn 100 ePay tokens from another one of our advertised promotion.

For example, you may have earned from...
... and now you can earn some more for being part of this fun site.

Please do consider joining our Hive traffic exchanging community. It is new, unique and a great place to Learn Before You Earn from your online activities.

I am an active member of #CTPX where I promote many opportunities to earn from having fun and to earn some #ctp tokens as well as some #leo tokens.

Need any help or more information? Reply here, contact me via PeakD Sting or join https://epaytraffic.com/login.php?s=noauth and send me a support email.

Be ready for more fun opportunities that can help you grow your Hive wallet holdings.

#Luv and positive energy to all.


Username: globalcontac
Referral URL: https://surf4funte.com/?rid=153


Tokens transferred Terrence with the memo LOLZ's Fun House ePay Tokens as a by-product of Having Fun #1

Thanks again for the support and participation.
Great job earning some !ctp
Have to keep an eye on you, your catching up. !lol
Hope all is well your way. Unbelievable weather all over the world. The North is becoming a rain forest. still a good day to be !alive
