RE: How To Become Severely Unlucky.


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I am not a prolific user in terms of posts on Hive, but I can safely say that, of all the blogging platforms I have known, Hive is the one that has presented itself best to me.

Here, several years ago now, I made friends and met people with whom I was able to have enriching conversations about blockchain, cryptocurrencies and other related topics. In fact, Hive was my gateway to the world of cryptocurrencies.

In my early days, I was more of a socializer than a creator: I was actively participating in Hive-related Discord groups, but I wasn't so focused on writing or investing. However, recently I have been motivated to resume my activity on the platform, and now I try to maintain a steady pace of publications and interact with other users.

Despite the criticism it sometimes receives, Hive remains a vibrant and active community. I am encouraged to see that, after so many years, the platform continues to exist and evolve.


When you take a break off hive it sometimes become hard to get back. Plus hive is a lot too. Not everyone will find it usual, as it takes more individuality. It's why I don't onboard, unless the person is an online guy, even people like that still finds it difficult.
But if you're more of a social person, overtime you might just find the capacity to create, although creating too can be difficult.
