Fear or Greed State?


According to Coinmarketcap as you can see in the picture above we currently are in the Greed phase which supposedly means that people are investing in cryptos and keep on buying!

Due to the sudden turn of events these past days with what happened to Binance and its CEO i strongly believe that the vast majority of people are actually in the fear state. Ofc money-wise even after these events took place not a huge impact on the market has happened but you never know.

Some say that after the whole Binance announcement, the crypto pump that had shown some signs has now been stopped. Only in Binance 1 billion dollars have already been out of the platform, which doesn't mean that the funds are out of the crypto market, most likely people transferred their belongings somewhere else.

Don't you consider this as a move led by fear? At the same many people even people that around the crypto-verse for a long time, have already started to wonder what's next. For example, CEXS are already dead from what rumors i hear here and there from people both in Hive, Twitter and Discord groups.

Bittrex Global is basically off the table, Coinbase struggled and became more centralized, and now this with Binance has led people to these types of thoughts. Even though we keep saying that one of the ideal things is to basically use your crypto directly for transactions the reality is a bit different and harser.

Not only this is a bit difficult due to regulations and difficulty in adoption but many still want to convert their crypto earnings-belonging to Dollars/Euros or into their native currency. Even though the market had stayed strong let's say, still people feared what's gonna follow next.

I think this is an opportunity for Hive and HBD to shine and also to find ways for bridges and stuff like that in case most of the major exchanges collapse. I believe we should be ahead in that game also focus on improving our existing "exchanges" that i see constant crashes. Let's just use the DHF effectively and look for ways to be ahead of the game!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
