A Random Rant: Voting


Hello everyone, i hope you are well. First of all let me tell you upfront that this rant will not be related to Hive, Leo, or crypto in general. It's not about upvoting it's about voting in elections, something that is quite important and not many people give emphasis to.

Now i don't know what's the case with your country but here the situation is getting from worse to worst and people are basically voting for the same political parties for almost 40 years now. As far as it concerns Greece if you hear the politicians talking or some big-time business men you will gonna hear that we are pretty good, the salaries were raised and that Greece is going to the moon.

The sad reality is that we are going straight to hell and from what i see a lot of other countries are heading there as well. In fact, Greece raised the minimum wage which basically can't help you at all because inflation and increase in prices in general pretty much provide a minus in our pockets. Also note that in EU we are ranked second but at the end of the list, in terms of buying power, the last one is Bulgaria.

That pretty much means that we don't have money and thus, we limit what we buy and then a chain of effects takes place, meaning that small-time businesses are closing one after the other and a monopoly occurs. Now basically all roads lead to the politicians and our votes.

We know by now that mostly every political party actually cares for their pockets instead of the people and we have seen this, and we will keep on seeing this my opinion. In a way, we got let's say a chance during the elections to vote for someone better if the whole election system is not rigged like in some countries.

Now, during the last elections around half percent of the population didn't vote which in my opinion is a huge mistake. I have already talked with many people, some who voted for the same political parties that rule forever and destroyed the country, some who voted for different parties and some who didn't vote at all.

Now the interesting thing is that i always and i repeat it always, keep hearing negative things about the current government and i answer accordingly. To those people that didn't vote though, i straight up tell them that they have no "right" to complain about a situation you literally didn't do anything.

Then i get the same response, like everyone, is the same and that is the reason that led them not to vote. I usually tell them that pretty much they are the reason that we have the same political party, if half of the population that didn't vote, voted something else, most likely either we would have another political party or we would have different parties forming a government.

Also, to the argument that everybody is the same, i ask them whether they actually did research and read the program each political party has. I doubt that they won't find something that they can at least feel closer but the truth is basically nobody actually read the plans of each political party and the funnier thing is that many political parties already know it and don't even pay attention to forming an accurate plan.

I don't know what are you thinking but in my opinion, at the very least we need to do a thorough research before voting either for a new government or even for a new mayor. We may not realize it as individuals but together our actions have an impact and instead of understanding this we get further and further away from this, feeling that we can't do anything and that's the way to continue moving forward.

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